Wednesday, September 30, 2015

Tuck in Your Shirt, Make More Money

A new survey suggests the simple act leads to happiness, optimism, and a better salary.

True Muscle Trainer: Phase 3, Day 46

Stacking exercises and limited rest has likely left you yearning for a full day of recovery. Today's the day to recharge.

Meet the Man Who Changed the Fitness Game

He’s improving the bodies and lives of thousands of men and women, but forget diets and workout plans, he’s doing it solely on Instagram

Messiah Of Social Media

Wicks is the leader – popularity-wise, at least – of a new generation of trainers and nutritionists democratising fitness by posting advice for free, producing content daily and racking up ‘Likes’ in the thousands. Other people do workouts, training tips or selfies: the Wicks signature at @thebodycoach is the #LeanIn15, a healthy recipe that takes under 15 minutes to cook, delivered via 15-second video, and accompanied by Wicks’ signature high-energy instructions.

People are calling Wicks an overnight sensation, but that isn’t entirely fair. He did a degree in sports science almost a decade ago, spent some time planning to be a PE teacher, then started his personal training career in 2010, running a boxing boot camp called Rumble In The Park. He’s been on Twitter since 2013, hashtagging his first workouts #TeamLean13 – but it’s on Instagram that he’s exploded.

He got serious about the photo-sharing service in January 2014 when it started allowing video content, posting the high-speed recipe and workout videos that have become his signature. It took him, he says, around six months of relentless content-sharing, putting out three videos a day while his friends told him he was wasting his time and ‘nobody was listening’, to hit 50,000 followers. Now he’s got 365,000 – a decent chunk of whom have already upgraded to his ‘Shift, Shape and Sustain’ plan, a tailored 90-day programme that costs £147. Right now, he’s selling 200-300 copies every day.

‘People take about four to six weeks to convert,’ says Wicks. ‘They follow for a while, get some advice, and go “OK, this guy’s legit”, and then they take the plunge. A lot of them are referrals – mums and daughters doing the plan, or people being encouraged by friends. One entire office of 60 people did it.’


Here’s the stuff Joe teaches people to shed fat and feel lean. It’s simple, effort-efficient advice that works for normal people with normal lives:

1 - Prep like a boss

‘It’s the one thing you can do to take control straight away. Just spend half an hour to an hour a night cooking your meals for the next day so you never have to grab stuff on the go.’

2 - Tweet your progress

‘It’s like having a fraternity behind you.’  If you have the support of an immediately reachable community, you’re much more likely to stay motivated and on track.

3 - Eat more fat

‘You should get most of your energy from it – it’s got more per gram than carbs. Stock up on grass-fed butter, nuts and avocadoes.’

 4 - Don’t fear carbs 

‘If you love white bread or bagels or whatever, you don’t have to give them up. Reduce them on rest days, and eat them as a treat after you’ve done a high-intensity session.’

 4 - Train without breakfast

‘I train fasted a lot – it gets you burning fat at the start of the day, and you can refuel with breakfast afterwards. Try overnight oats – put some porridge oats, almond milk and whey protein in a shaker, let it soak overnight and then whack it in the microwave in the morning.’

 5 - Go mad for coconut oil

‘I’ve cooked almost everything with it, ever since university. It’s full of omega 3s and it’s a stable fat, so it’s perfect for stir-fries.’

 6 - Keep a food planner 

‘Plan when to train and when to eat. If you’re having a night out, either train that day or plan to go low-carb when you eat.’

 7 - Turn up the volume

‘I like German Volume Training – ten sets of ten reps – because it’s a good, structured way to get a lot of work done. People usually do it with bench pressing or deadlifts, but depending on your strength levels most moves will work – do it with press-ups or lunges.’

 8 - Drink more water

‘I ask clients on the 90-day programme to drink anywhere from two to four litres a day. It keeps you energised and keeps all your body’s processes online.’

 9 - Eat more

‘If you get your food from good clean sources, you can eat 2,700 calories a day and still burn fat – and you’ll have enough energy for the rest of the day. Don’t starve yourself.’

 10 - Keep workouts short

‘I’m all about intensity over duration – less than 30 minutes is fine. You can do the most simple stuff at home: do 30 seconds of burpees, rest 45 seconds, 30 seconds of sprint high-knees, rest 45 seconds, then repeat the whole thing for 15 minutes. Done!’

 11 - Get off the sad step

‘That’s what I call scales. They’re so negative. You can do everything right all day, or wake up feeling full of energy, then you step on the scales, see you’ve put on a kilo, and it totally changes your mood. Get rid of them.

 12 - Drink Rum

‘I’ll have a cheeky mojito or a vodka when I go out. Clear spirits have less nasty business in them, and usually fewer calories than beer.’

 13 - Have days off

‘If you’re an athlete then, yeah, I don’t have a problem with you training every day, but for most people it makes more sense to train four or five days a week. Have a couple of days off a week to recharge, do your shopping and prep your food.’

 14 - Take regular photos 

‘This isn’t about vanity. If you look in the mirror every day, it’s easy to think you aren’t changing shape, but when people take photos they’re always amazed by the difference their work’s making. Take one progress shot every four weeks, using the same angle and the same lighting so you can see the difference.’

Why Does It Work?

The key, of course, is that people get results: as well as recipes, Wicks’ social media feeds are jammed with side-shots of people on their fourth, eighth or 12th week of the plan, usually in much better shape. ‘Most of them have done diets before,’ says Wicks. ‘But diets just don’t work. This is supposed to be different and enjoyable. I’m about getting people to eat more, but eat better, and getting them to do exercise that makes them feel good about themselves. When I trained as a PT, all the information was so out of date, old science, the Food Pyramid – it’s not stuff that works. This is about letting people know that they don’t have to give up the food they like. I’ll go to Burger & Lobster or Nando’s, I’ll have a mojito. I’m getting people who have tried 1,400-calorie diets to a point where they’re burning fat eating 2,600 calories a day. It’s a lifestyle, not a short-term thing.’

Do Something Joel Snape
29 Sep 2015

Tuesday, September 29, 2015

True Muscle Trainer: Phase 3, Day 44

Still feeling the burn of those plate pushes? Use today to recover before hitting tomorrow, hard.

CrossFit Athlete Will Kane Takes on FitBrit 2015

Multipower sponsored CrossFit athlete Will Kane has a crack at FitBrit 2015

Time's ticking until we stop accepting submissions and announce who will be invited to the FitBrit grand final and be crowned the country's fittest.

Give the challenge a go at your local Fitness First gym to get your time on the leaderboards. And don't worry, elite athletes such as Will have their own category! Even if you don't qualify for the final you will burn fat, build muscle and develop your cardio fitness. Not bad for a workout that takes less than 20 minutes.

A redesigned circuit for this year means your strength, power and co-ordination will be pushed to the limit in an all-round test that’s the toughest FitBrit yet. Plus, a rejig of the categories means there's an even better chance than ever to compete on a level playing field: all-new Amateur and Masters categories cater to non-professionals and over-35s, while if you’re more of a specialist, the four-way Team category means you can create a super-squad of strong men (or women) and cardio monsters.

But that’s not all. This year’s final will present an all-new challenge, so even if you aren’t top of the leaderboard, all-round fitness will increase your chance of glory more than slavishly practising the event. There’s never been a better chance to taste victory – and with prizes on offer, now’s the time to sign up. 

Not a Fitness First member? That's not a problem - get your free 5-day pass here.

28 Sep 2015

How Yoga is Saving the Bodies and Minds of NFL Players

Former Saints linebacker Keith Mitchell is helping veteran players transition to life after football.

Monday, September 28, 2015

Friday, September 25, 2015

Ask a Chef: How to Cook Mushrooms

You think you know how to cook with mushrooms? Think again.

We ‘Mirin Vol. 124: 13 Outdoor Stunners

Summer might be coming to a close, but that doesn't mean it's too late to flaunt your physique. Check out these 'mirin-worthy outside shots.

Thursday, September 24, 2015

How to Make Perfect Baked Beans From Scratch

You'll never want to make baked beans from a can again.

9 Simple Tips For Building Knockout Legs!

It's one thing to build strong legs, but it's another to build knockout legs. Let Cellucor athlete and personal trainer Alex Silver-Fagan show you the way!

Workout of the Week #35

Workout of the Week burpee pull-up

Burn fat and build muscle with our weekly gym challenge. Workout of the Week #35: power endurance

Take on your Men's Fitness workout of the week, a new 52-part series to keep you inspired and challenged for 2015. We'll post a new workout every Monday and for an added incentive, we'll take on the workout too so you can see how your best time compares with a member of the MF team.

Workout of the Week #35

Power endurance

Complete three rounds of this circuit as fast as you can:
- 10 burpee pull-ups
- 5 long jumps

Long jump form guide:
You might know these as broad jumps. From a standing start, bend your legs and wind your arms back, then throw your arms forwards and explode up and forwards as far as you can. Make sure you land on both feet, bending your knees to soften your landing. If you fall forwards on landing, the rep doesn't count. This tests landing mechanics and balance as much as power. For an added test, measure out your max broad jump distance, take 10-20cm off it, and aim to hit this distance with each rep.

Watch the video, take on the challenge and post your best score in the comments section below.

MF's par time: 3min

This workout was shot at The Athlete Centre in Oxford. Check out our Workout of the Week YouTube playlist for more gym challenges. Subscribe to the Men's Fitness YouTube channel for our weekly Workouts of the Week, posted every Monday throughout 2015.

Complete three rounds of this circuit as fast as you can:
- 10 burpee pull-ups
- 5 long jumps

Long jump form guide:
You might know these as broad jumps. From a standing start, bend your legs and wind your arms back, then throw your arms forwards and explode up and forwards as far as you can. Make sure you land on both feet, bending your knees to soften your landing. If you fall forwards on landing, the rep doesn't count. This tests landing mechanics and balance as much as power. For an added test, measure out your max broad jump distance, take 10-20cm off it, and aim to hit this distance with each rep.

Watch the video, take on the challenge and post your best score in the comments section below.

MF's par score: 3 min

Workouts Sam Rider
24 Sep 2015

Wednesday, September 23, 2015

Is That Really Craft Beer? 21 Surprising Corporate Brewers

They looks like independent brewers and often taste just as good, but technically they're not craft.

Hunter Labrada's Guide To Pre-Workout Nutrition And Supplementation

Wondering why your workouts aren't all they should be? It could be what you eat—or don't eat—before you train. Here's Hunter Labrada's guide to a rock-solid pre-workout meal and supplement stack!

Tuesday, September 22, 2015

The Story Behind 'Sicario'

Director Denis Villeneuve explored the most dangerous areas of Mexico to bring gritty realism to 'Sicario.'

5 Ways To Gain 15 Pounds!

Hardgainer or not, we can all use advice when trying to pack on new muscle mass. Flip on the growth switch with these nutrition tips and the Plus 15 training plan!

Sunday, September 20, 2015

Friday, September 18, 2015

Suits Just Got Way More Comfortable

Designers are creating new options that are just as relaxed, flexible, and breathable as sweats.

8 Best Chest Exercises You Haven't Tried

Chest training gone stale? Physique champion Jason Poston helps you breathe new life into your pec training with these novel movements to spark new muscle growth!

What it takes to be a leader by Clive Woodward

England's 2003 Rugby World Cup winning coach on leadership, building a winning culture and the Red Rose’s best ever player

Woodward on the qualities he looks for in his leaders…

When I’m looking at a player in terms of leadership and real captain material, I have a tick list of what I want. One, they’ve got to be on the team sheet. In rugby union, it doesn’t matter how good a leader a player is, you have got to know you’re going to put his name on the team sheet. The rest of the players have got to know that he’s in the team because he’s a great rugby player. For Johnno [Martin Johnson] that was a big tick.

Two, you’ve got to know that when you’re not in the room that they’re still delivering your message. Can you trust that they’re delivering the message when you’re not there? Three, they’ve got to have the respect of the players. How are they living their lives? Not just in training or during your time together, but 24/7/365, are these real role model-type people?

Four, respect – you don’t have to be mates with your captain and sometimes it’s good not to be that close to them, but you have to have that bond and respect. You’ve got to look forward to having a cup of tea with them and they’ve got to be someone you get on with. You’ve got to be able to pick up the phone and jump up and down and shout off at him, and he’s got to be able to do the same with you. You’ve got to have that trust. And you’ve got to trust that if there is something he doesn’t like, he’ll pick up the phone and call you to tell you.

On his World Cup-winning captain Martin Johnson…

Martin Johnson is one of the toughest players we’ve ever seen and as a coach he’s a guy you want on your team. They always say when you’re tossing the coin, you want to have Martin tossing the coin. He’s a pretty intimidating person walking out of the changing room. He led by example but he wasn’t a big ego man. Behind the scenes he was always asking people, “What do you think?” That’s a big quality of any leader, listening to other people and then making a decision. Martin would probably be top of the tree just in playing terms – forget his captaincy and leadership skill, he was just a great player. I know he is England’s all-time best second row as a player. Add the captaincy and the leadership and he just becomes the best ever player. I felt lucky to have him in the team.

On how you can grow with each setback…

As the movie [Building Jerusalem] says, we went on this tour of hell in 1998 where we played these ridiculous fixtures where we went to Australia, New Zealand and South Africa, which no teams were doing in the modern era. The captain on that tour was Matt Dawson, the fly-half was Jonny Wilkinson – the amount they learned in adversity, and the amount I learned about them, was incredible. I saw Dawson in a completely different light after that tour. He was immense – he just never, ever threw the towel in. It was a tough tour with our kind of second/third team, and [it helped] those two players especially to go and win a World Cup five years later.

On lessons learned from business…

I think the leadership is no different when running a rugby team from running a business. It’s all about people. Almost all of what I applied with England was learned from business. I had 16 years of experience in business, in Sydney with Xerox, a big multi-national, and with my own small leasing and finance company, which I ran for eight years before I became a professional coach. When I say it was small, we had ten people. There was no HR – it was just ten people in a room getting on with our jobs. A rugby team wasn’t that different except there are 40 or 50 people. It was up to us, no-one else was going to help us. One of the biggest things I learned from my business career was how to deal with people and make decisions. That was massive for me in putting the England team together.

On building a winning culture…

We knew the 2003 World Cup was a chance of a lifetime. The players had the right coaching team, they had everything in place. And we couldn’t have people sitting there thinking, “I don’t agree with that” but be too scared to stand up and say it. It was quite an intimidating set-up if you’re, say, a Jonny Wilkinson coming into that – not all players are naturally confident. You have to get that out of them. I had to ask, “Jonny, what are you thinking? Daws, what are you thinking?” If they didn’t agree with something I expected them to stand up and say it. No-one was going to get penalised, the complete opposite. Some of the team meetings got quite lively, and I loved it. We had blood on the walls at times but to me that was fantastic because you knew we all wanted to win. The most important thing was when we walked out on the pitch we went out holding hands, as one.

On his advice for the class of 2015…

My two bits of advice to the players now are, one, focus on the next game. Don’t get carried away with the game after. The whole of England’s thought process should be on Fiji for that opening game.  Second, it’s so easy to get distracted. Distractions from sources you might not even think about, from friends and family, from sponsors, from fans, from the media. They’re everywhere. It only takes one player to get distracted and that can cost you that next game. You lose that game, England will not win the World Cup. You’re not going to win a World Cup by losing any games. So you’ve got to win that game.

On how the players are affected by off-field distractions…

There were a huge amount of distractions before 2003 [when the players went on strike over their image rights]. There always are. When you win everyone forgets. If England had won in 2011 when Johnson was in charge, all that stuff that had happened on those nights [players were criticised for drinking and other misdemeanours] would have been forgotten. We didn’t, we lost to France in the quarter final and suddenly it becomes this huge soap opera.

On the pressure of current No10 George Ford to emulate Jonny Wilkinson…

When Jonny arrived at 2003, he was absolutely the go-to man. He was this amazing player who the rest of the world was like, “Who on Earth is this guy?” We were incredibly lucky to have him. He was the number one player in his position going into the World Cup. George isn’t there yet. He’s incredibly talented. But all I’d say to George is those two key points. In those team meetings, don’t just sit there if something’s not clear. Stand up and shout, “Guys we can’t leave the room until we’re absolutely sure. We’ve got to win this next game. Let’s make sure. And I’ve got to lead on this.” He’s got to really come of age, which he’s good enough to do. I really hope he has a great World Cup.

Secondly, there will be a lot of hype around him but he’s just got to get rid of all that stuff. If, in one of the pool games, he has a poor game and England lose, that hype is going to change. But you just ask him to take responsibility. He’s got to become Jonny Wilkinson in that team room. For a young guy with not a lot of caps, he’s got to really become very mature and lead so the rest of the team looks at him and thinks, “Yes this guy can lead us”.

Building Jerusalem, the story of the creation of England’s World Cup-winning team, is out on Blu-ray and DVD now

Videos Sam Rider
18 Sep 2015

Thursday, September 17, 2015

How 39-Year-Old Lacrosse Star Casey Powell Stays In Shape

Despite his age, Casey Powell keeps up to kids half his age thanks to yoga, lunges, Insanity, and a lifetime of experience.

We Mirin' Vol. 123: 16 INSPIRING 6-PACKS

These 16 BodySpace members prove what dedication to a solid nutrition plan can achieve!

Wednesday, September 16, 2015

Wooden Watches Done Right

Some wood watches resemble the beach bum jewelry you've shed since your teen years. These are not th[...]

The new post-workout recovery guide

Steve Kemp, an elite football physiotherapist for the FA, tells us how best to recover after the gym (and make the most gains)

Please tell us we shouldn’t be jumping in ice baths as a post-workout recovery technique?

You’re in luck! There are a number of research papers out there about ice baths and the consensus is they blunt the effects of the any adaptive changes in the muscle.

What should we be doing then?

Take on some protein immediately after a workout – that should be a no-brainer, but what’s really important is to keep hydrated so the protein can actually do its job. Dehydration makes it hard for it to even get to where it’s needed, let alone repair the muscle.

Anything else?

Compression is also super-effective for recovery, whether you use clothing or have a quick post-workout swim. The hydrostatic pressure will get rid of any lactate that’s built up in your muscles, but unlike an ice bath it won’t blunt the effects of the strength training. I’d also recommend investing in a foam roller – find those sore spots and hammer them.

We never know how long we should foam roll. What do you recommend to the players you work with?

I always say to do it for five to ten minutes in total, concentrating on the outsides of the quads, hamstrings, lower back and calves. Spend 20-30 seconds on each body part, or slightly longer if you find an area that is sore and uncomfortable. It might be  uncomfortable at the time, but it’ll increase blood flow to those areas to help them repair quicker.

What about stretches?

Research is inconclusive as to whether this is a good or bad thing, but in my experience light stretching helps maintain mobility, reducing the risk of injury and improving overall performance. Having said that, whether it’s foam rolling, stretching or light exercise on a bike or in a pool, spending up to 30 minutes doing any of these is a good investment of your time after training.

Is that it?

Not quite. Sleep is an essential and often overlooked part of recovery so it’s vital you get the best-quality rest. Ensure you’re in a dark room, avoid caffeine after 8pm, and avoid any electronic products (including TV) for at least half an hour before going to bed. It’s all about getting the deepest sleep possible. In fact, an investment in a good pillow and comfortable bed is an integral part of recovery and should be taken just as seriously as the rest of your training.

15 Sep 2015

How Jon Conquered Negativity And Lost Over 200 Pounds!

Once Jon Welch learned to ditch his all-or-nothing mentality and make small, sustainable changes, he discovered the key to achieving his fitness goals.

Monday, September 14, 2015

Style Staples You Should Never Buy New

From barely-worn boots that get better with age to jackets, sweaters, and watches that retain their look and value.

Saturday, September 12, 2015

Is Hard Soda Healthier Than Beer?

Alcoholic root beer and ginger ale is booming, but is it worse for you than beer?

Ask The Expert Panel: 24-Hour Nutrition

Performance optimization requires nutrient timing with a whole-day perspective. Consume the right foods at the right time, and you'll soar through more intense training while maximizing growth and recovery!

Workout of the Week #33

Workout of the Week burpee pull-up

Burn fat and build muscle with our weekly gym challenge. Workout of the Week #33: 5min AMRAP

Take on your Men's Fitness workout of the week, a new 52-part series to keep you inspired and challenged for 2015. We'll post a new workout every Monday and for an added incentive, we'll take on the workout too so you can see how your best time compares with a member of the MF team.

Workout of the Week #33

5min AMRAP

How to do the workout:

You have five minutes to do as many rounds of possible of:
- 10 50kg squats
- 8 30kg overhead presses
- 6 walkouts

Watch the video, take on the challenge and post your best score in the comments section below.

MF's par time: 6 rounds

This workout was shot at The Athlete Centre in Oxford. Check out our Workout of the Week YouTube playlist for more gym challenges. Subscribe to the Men's Fitness YouTube channel for our weekly Workouts of the Week, posted every Monday throughout 2015.

Workouts Sam Rider
11 Sep 2015

Friday, September 11, 2015

Supplement Company Of The Month: Prime Nutrition

Prime Nutrition may not be the biggest or the oldest company in the supplement business, but they're here to stay! CEO Aaron Singerman and athlete John Meadows explain the driving force behind the company's inception and top products.

Off-Menu Items: The Worst Kept Secret in Food

From Chipotle to Starbucks, more customers are ordering items that aren't on the menu.

Mountain biking strength and conditioning workout

Prepare your body for the BHF London to Brighton Off-Road Bike Ride with help from coach Alan Milway

The London to Brighton is one of the UK’s longest-running charity bike rides, with the inaugural event having taken place back in 1976. In recent years, however, event organisers the British Heart Foundation have decided to provide an off-road alternative, offering mountain bikers a chance to ride from the capital to the South Coast on an almost exclusively Tarmac-free route, via cycle tracks, forest paths and singletrack – at 120km, this is nearly 40% longer than the road version and includes 1570m of climbing.

To get yourself ready for this epic challenge, try adding the workout below to your gym and riding regime for the last few weeks before the event. Devised by coach Alan Milway for downhill mountain bike champion Gee Atherton – who you can see demonstrating the moves – it includes upper-body exercises to help you muscle your bike through tricky terrain, lower-body plyometrics to help develop pedalling power and core-strengthening exercises to to help you maintain a solid posture on your bike. 

1. Sots press

Sets 3 Reps 5

Stand with your feet shoulder-width apart and the bar held on your traps. Lower into a squat position and hold. Press the bar overhead, pause and then lower under control.

2. Weighted wide-grip pull-up

Sets 3 Reps 8

Pull up until your chin clears the bar, without kicking your legs out. Lower under control until you’re in a dead hang.

3. Depth press-up

Sets 3 Reps 4-6

Place two weight stacks of equal height just wider than shoulder-width apart. Lower your chest slowly past the stacks. Press up explosively and catch yourself on the stacks. Drop your hands back to the floor and repeat.

4. Ball throw

Sets 3 Reps 6-8

Using a two-handed chest press, explosively throw a 5kg ball as high as you can. Have your partner catch it and then drop it back to you.

5. Trap bar deadlift

Sets 4 Reps 1-2

Place your feet slightly wider than shoulder-width apart. As you lift, drive through your heels and push your hips forward, keeping your chest up. At the top, pull your shoulder blades back. Lower under control.

6. Box jump

Sets 2 Reps 6

Start with your feet hip-width apart. Drop down, swinging your arms back. Drive up into the jump, staying compact in the air and looking for max height, and land softly.

7. Clockwise pistol

Sets 2 each side Reps 4

Lift one foot off the floor ahead of you and bend your knee to lower, with your arms held out for balance. Stand up, then lower to the back, then to one side, then the other. That’s one rep.

8. Plate drop

Sets 3 Time 60sec

Pull the plate up to your chest, release it while keeping your hands around it, and catch it at knee height. Keep your core locked and knees soft during each rep.

9. Aleknas

Sets 2 Reps 6-8

Lie on your back with knees and arms raised and get a partner to place one weight plate in your hands and one on your shins. Lower the weights under control keeping your toes up. Don’t let your arms or legs touch the ground. Return to the start by engaging your hip flexors, core and arms.

10. Norwegian wrestler

Sets 1 Time 2min

Get into a bent-over row position and keep your trunk still with tension in your hamstrings. Start rowing the weights in a loop by reaching them forwards and then up and back as if you were pulling a rope.

The London to Brighton Off-Road Bike Ride takes place on 26th September. Sign up here

10 Sep 2015

Thursday, September 10, 2015

Should You Buy an iPad Pro?

Weighing the pros and cons of Apple's new iPad Pro.

George Groves's 3-minute HIIT workout

Boxer George Groves shares his quick workout blitz that he uses to get himself ready to fight on the big stage

There’s a lot of pressure on George Groves as he prepares for his WBC super middleweight world title clash with Badou Jack on 12th September. However, the one thing he can be totally confident is his conditioning. Ahead of his fight in Las Vegas (on the undercard of Floyd Mayweather Jr’s bout with Andre Berto), Groves shared the three-minute HIIT workout he uses in his training camps. Here’s how he gets it done.

1. Double-arm kettlebell swing

Reps 10-12

2. Double kettlebell clean and press

Reps 15

3. Walking lunge (offset load)

Reps 20

4. Farmer’s walk

Distance 4m

5. Tyre flip

Distance 4m

6. Sledgehammer

Reps 15-20

7. Battle rope power slam

Reps 25

George Groves is an official athlete of PhD Nutrition

Training Plans Scott Blake
9 Sep 2015

13 Arnold Schwarzenegger-Approved Nutrition Tips

Ever wondered what Arnold ate to build one of the most recognizable bodies in the world? Here, The Oak shares 13 of his core nutrition philosophies!

Find Your Next Bike: 2016 Road Bike Preview

Our favorite new road bikes for the 2016 model year.

Lais DeLeon's Peanut Butter Protein Pancakes

Looking to add a protein punch to your morning meal? Try out these flapjacks, which combine the dual superpowers of protein and peanut butter into one glorious pancake experience!

How to Shoot a GoPro Video With Your Dog

Six tips you should follow to make sure your next dog POV video goes viral.

Heal Your Heels: Plantar Fasciitis Treatment

Inflammation of the heel can afflict athletes of all stripes, including runners and lifters. Here's how to treat plantar fasciitis so you can get back on your feet!

Why Apple's Seasonal Geek-Fest Still Matters

Reporting live from the September Apple Event.

Blow Up Your Arms By Doubling Up Your Workouts

Forget about working your arms once each week. Increase their training frequency with this unique biceps- and triceps-focused growth strategy.

Space Whiskey: The Final Frontier

Will aging whiskey in space change the way it tastes?

True Muscle Trainer: Phase 2, Day 33

Today's workout continues to use paired sets to keep your heart rate elevated. Just don't abuse the rest periods in between!

Beyond the Sweat Suit: The Best Athleisure Apparel

Great fitting, good looking gear that can you can wear outside the gym.

RSP Chiseled Phase 5: Day 54

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Toyota Gives the Prius a Facelift, Makes it Even More Efficient

Toyota has unveiled the fourth generation of the Prius for 2016.

Advanced Dips For Ultimate Pushing Power

Often overlooked and perpetually underrated, the dip is an upper-body strength and size builder of the first order. Try these variations before you get out the heavy dip belt!

After Everest: The Complete Story of Beck Weathers

In 1996, Beck Weathers was left for dead at 26,000 feet. Now, in the new movie 'Everest,' he'll relive his harrowing survival tale.

Ashley Horner's Stronger-Legs Workout

Strong women were made for leg day. Ashley Horner wants to push you out of your comfort zone and under more weight than you're used to, because she knows you've got this!

John McAfee: The Prophet of Paranoia

Can John McAfee, a gun-toting, vodka-swilling serial liar, save us from the hackers who want to spy on us and steal our identities?

2015 NPC Fit World

Find all of the coverage here of the 2015 NPC Fit World, held on September 5th in Culver City, CA!

Ask a Chef: The Secret to Making Great Juice

How to turn your fruits and vegetables into healthy and delicious juice.

How to Pick and Cook Wild Mushrooms

Everything you need to know about foraging for mushrooms.

Getting Ahead with Modafinil: Is the Hottest New Smart Drug Safe?

Modafinil has been shown to make you a sharper thinker, a better decision maker, and generally more alert. But is it safe?

The Best Beers for Backpacking

If you're going to bring a few beers on the trail, pick from these potent craft brews.

Of Prosciutto and Panini: The Joys of Florentine Street Food

When you think of great street food, you probably think of Bangkok and Tokyo. Add Florence, Italy, to that list.

The Bike Light That Keeps You Safe in Traffic

This bike taillight detects approaching cars and alerts you to their position and relative risk on a handlebar-mounted display unit.

The True Story Behind Pablo Escobar and 'Narcos'

Retired DEA agents Steve Murphy and Javier Pena explain how they took down Colombia's cocaine kingpin.

The Radical Calm of Alex Honnold

A series of heart-stopping, rope-free ascents up some of the world's most forbidding pitches has given climbing something it's never had before: a household name. On the wall with a real rock star.

Watch a Pro Kayaker Take a Rare Drop Into New Zealand's Wairua Falls

Ben Brown is back hitting waterfalls after recovering from shoulder reconstruction.

Land Rover's New SUV Can Withstand Grenades and Gunfire

The Sentinel also features a 510-horsepower V8 engine.

The iPhone's Pocket-Size Camera Sidekick

The DxO One is a compact camera that connects directly to the iPhone's lightning port and uses the phone as a viewfinder.

How to Make Eggplant Curry

Forget tomato sauce and cheese. There are plenty of other ways to use eggplant.

How to Sharpen Your Memory

Seven science-backed tips to improve your memory.

10 Tips for a Healthy Sex Life

Good sex and general health go hand-in-hand. Here's how to make the most of both.

Tuesday, September 8, 2015

2015 Muscle Beach - Labor Day

Find all of the coverage here of the 2015 Muscle Beach - Labor Day, held on September 7th, in Venice, CA!!

The Best Lightweight Sweaters for Men

Layer up this fall with a versatile selection of lightweight sweaters in every style, fabric, texture, and color.

Sunday, September 6, 2015

Levi's Expands Their Stylish Commuter Collection

The iconic brand is adding news jackets, pants, shoes, and bags for cyclists this fall.

Friday, September 4, 2015

Why 21st Amendment's Pop-Tart Beer Tastes Better Than It Sounds

Toaster Pastry is actually a hop-lover's dream.

We Mirin' Vol. 122: Labor Of Love

Labor Day means fun, relaxation, and food. Let these 16 BodySpace members be your inspiration to stay on track this holiday weekend!

Thursday, September 3, 2015

How to Get Your Family Into National Parks for Free

There's just one catch to the Every Kid in a Park initiative.

True Muscle Trainer: Phase 2, Day 32

Rest days aren't lost time; they're a necessary part of allowing your body to recover and recharge. Take it easy today, and you'll be rewarded tomorrow.

Climbing Yosemite's El Cap, for the 100th Time

Hans Florine prepares for his record-breaking 100th ascent of The Nose route

Wednesday, September 2, 2015

True Muscle Trainer: Phase 2, Day 31

Now that you've rested, we're gonna pick up the speed.

True Muscle Trainer: Phase 2, Day 30

Take today off; you're probably feeling those tigers, alligators, and spiders today!

Watch Climbers Light the Entire Snake Dike Route on Half Dome

The American Safe Climbing Association attached 39 solar lanterns.

Is Nick Kyrgios the New Bad Boy of Tennis?

The large talent (with a bigger mouth) rises from Down Under.

RSP Chiseled Phase 5: Day 51

Are you taking a break from the gym today? If yes, then go play outside!

Sil Learned To Lift And Dropped 20% Body Fat!

Her athletic past prepared her to work hard, but Sil had to try a new approach to make the changes she wanted to her physique. Then she got hooked—and took to the stage!

How to Free Up Space on Your Phone

Problem: "Storage almost full." Solution: three simple tips.

Ask The Science Chick: Should I Drink BCAAs During My Workout?

Our science editor, Krissy Kendall, PhD, CISSN, answers your burning fitness questions. Get the scoop on BCAAs, hydration, and exercise-related headaches!

The Best of 2015 Eurobike, the World's Biggest Cycling Show

See the coolest new bikes and cycling gear for 2016.

Kathleen Tesori's Total Upper-Body Workout

Looking for the right workout to redefine your entire upper body? This quick, efficient superset session will leave tired, sore, and hungry for more!

Stupid, Dangerous, and Impressive: Teen Daredevil Rides On Top a Speeding Train

Please don't recreate YouTube star Pasha Bumchik's metro surfing stunt.

Tuesday, September 1, 2015

First Look: Nike Reinvents Cold Weather Training Gear

The brand's thermoregulating technology keeps you warm and dry amid winter's worst conditions.

The 7 Best Books of September

September books include a short story collection about the lonesome crowded West, a memoir about the 8-bit video games of the Reagan era, and more.

How to Make Perfect Breaded Chicken Cutlets

The secret to making perfect breaded chicken cutlets.

The Wind-Beating Camping Stove

When you're camping, wind can put your flame out like that and end all hopes of dinner. MSR's WindBurner Stove has you covered.

The Strongman Workout

Coach Ian Jentgen breaks down three foundational Strongman exercises to get you started.

How to Dress Like TV's Baddest Bikers

The perfect jacket, jeans, and boots for your ride, approved by the Sons of Anarchy.

Lifting For Two: Nicole Moneer's Full-Body Pregnancy Workout

The weights don't always have to go back on the rack when you find out you're pregnant. Here's how athlete Nicole Moneer modified her workouts and kept training into the third trimester!