Monday, July 6, 2015

Overnight oats: the quick porridge breakfast recipe

Prepare this healthy porridge breakfast before you go to bed for a strong and speedy start to the day

It’s easy to skip breakfast on a weekday – especially if the alternative is an extra five minutes in bed – or worse still, resort to stuffing your face with sugary cereal or toast because you haven’t got time to prepare something healthier. The solution? Overnight oats, a hearty upgrade on traditional porridge that, with a mere five minutes’ prep the night before, can be eaten immediately when you wake up – no cooking required.

‘Soaking the oats in milk or yoghurt overnight means they’re ready to go when you roll out of bed, and you can add as many healthy ingredients as you like on top,’ says dietician and blogger Katherine Younger (, who created the version below. ‘You can even prep it in a Tupperware tub or jar for an on-the-go breakfast.’


90g oats

4tbsp Greek yoghurt

Pinch of cinnamon

1 banana, sliced

5 strawberries, sliced

To make

Mix the oats, yoghurt and cinnamon in a glass, Tupperware tub or jar. Leave overnight so the oats absorb the milk. Top with the banana and strawberries the next morning and eat.

The benefits

Oats provide protein, which builds muscle

Greek yoghurt provides calcium, which strengthens bones

Cinnamon provides antioxidants that soothe muscles after a workout

Banana provides vitamin B6, which boosts energy

Strawberries provide vitamin C, which boosts immunity

Enhanced extras: 

Tweak your oats to suit your fitness goals with these simple recipe upgrades

For muscle

Add an extra 150ml of whole milk to your oats and yogurt mix

For fat loss

Top your oats with blueberries instead of banana for an extra insulin-regulating boost.

For energy

Swap the yoghurt for milky iced coffee for a caffeine hit to stimulate your body and mind.

Check out these healthy porridge recipes

Advice Ben Ince
6 Jul 2015

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