Wednesday, December 23, 2015

8 Ways the February Issue Will Help You Own 2016

Buying Guides

The latest issue of MF has hit the shelves. Here are just a few of the things you'll discover this month


Each month Men’s Fitness magazine is stuffed full of useful advice, delicious recipes and no-BS workouts. We brought you inspirational guys like Ben Mudge in the January edition, but February is all about getting cracking to meet your own goals for 2016. Grab an issue now and start the New Year on a high.

How to make your dream job a reality

If you're feeling like you need a change in your career in 2016, you need to make sure you're job hunting effectively. We asked career coach Richard Alderson, founder of jobs advice service Careershifters, how to keep your motivation up when you're getting rejections, and how to take networking offline to make more of an impression.

How to get in shape without re-arranging your entire life

MF's associate editor Joel Snape explains why you don't need a quick-fix personal trainer and a crash diet to get the body you want. Getting - and staying - in shape is more effective when you make a number of small, manageable changes to your lifestyle. Exercising at home, cutting down on booze and replacing tea and coffee with water are some of the easiest, but most important things you can do. Find out why in the new issue.

How to get fitter, leaner, and richer

Managing your money can be tricky, especially when you've got a ton of social engagements over Christmas. Changing your mindset and replacing branded items with budget buys are just two of the things you can do to make your money go further. We look at how some of the world's richest men have done it, and how you can apply their mentality to your life.

Learn fitness motivation from this woman

Jen Selter is one of Instagram's biggest names, but she didn't set out to become a #fitspiration. She tells us how she amassed her impressive 8 million followers, and how she sets herself goals to keep her body in the great shape she's famous for.

Learn the best winter adventure tips from a seriously cool guy

Andy Torbet is MF's brand new adventure expert, and he's here to help you make your life a bit more exciting. You don't have to join the army like Andy did or climb Everest to be an adventurer - there are plenty of tough outdoor events on throughout the UK that can make you feel like an outdoor master. Grab the new issue to find out which ones Andy recommends.

Learn 3 basic power moves to turbo charge your testosterone in minutes

Power posing might sound like something best left in the Eighties, but done right, big, bold exercises will not only tone you up, but help release testosterone and boost your confidence. We tell you how to do them in the latest issue.

Learn how to swim in sub zero temperatures

Lewis Pugh is a British endurance swimmer who's braved some of the world's coldest oceans, including in the North Pole. He's got a good reason to do it, though - to raise awareness of endangered sea creatures. If you fancy a dip in ice-cold temperatures, Lewis will tell you how to overcome the brain freeze.

The truth behind the fitness myths you’ve heard

We smash the misinformation around going to the gym to help you make your New Year's regime as effective as possible. Do you really need to spend an hour a day working out to see results? Is willpower the key to success? We answer these questions, and more, in the February issue.

The lumberjacks who chop for muscles

Wood chopping isn't just an anachronistic profession done by men in flannel shirts. It's a full-on sport, so we had to send one of our writers to investigate. Hint: it's great for working on your arms.

Sam Razvi
22 Dec 2015

This content is from the experts at Men's Fitness magazine.

For more fitness, gym, workout and nutrition advice click here

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