Saturday, August 29, 2015

20 Must-Read Questions With Figure Olympia Champ Nicole Wilkins!

We got 20 questions with the reigning two-time Figure Olympia champion Nicole Wilkins, and we made the most of them! Read on for her Olympia prep diet, fave cheat meals, and even a workout!

The 15 Best Fruit Beers

These world-class ales are complex and a far cry from most dumbed-down fruit brews.

The man who rewrote the blueprint to build muscle

How 6-time Mr Olympia Dorian Yates redefined building muscle

Building muscle is a science. It requires an in-depth understanding of both nutrition and physiology. Yes, some people are genetically gifted to build more than others, but generally the laws of muscular hypertrophy – an increase in the size of skeletal muscle – apply to everyone, regardless of genetic advantages.

No man understands this better than Dorian Yates. One of the greatest bodybuilders ever to grace the stage, the Englishman was crowned Mr Olympia six consecutive times from 1992-1997. For a six-year period, there was not a man on Earth who’d built more muscle and lost more body fat than Yates. (In fact only three men – including Arnold Schwarzenegger – have won the title more times.)

In his prime, the 1.78m-tall Yates weighed around 130kg off-season. Closer to a competition, though, he would step onto the scales at 118kg with a body fat level that was so low he looked as if he was carved out of granite.

How low, exactly? ‘I was never quite sure,’ Yates says modestly. ‘Skinfold callipers are only accurate up until a certain point. So at a guess I’d say less than 3%, but I’m not sure.’

This is – I soon learn – a typical answer from Yates. His achievements are immense, but he wraps them in humility. This is partly why he was known in the bodybuilding world as ‘The Shadow’. In a sport of extroverts who relished the opportunity to show off the results of their hard work, Yates would simply turn up, unzip his tracksuit, walk on stage and unassumingly leave the competition with the trophy in his gym bag.

‘I didn’t mind posing on stage, but it wasn’t my favourite part,’ he says. ‘I enjoyed working out the best way to train, studying nutrition and doing my own diet and learning all about every aspect of this. To me that was the best part of the challenge.’

As a scholar of bodybuilding, Yates pioneered a new method of exercise called ‘high-intensity training’. Expanding on the work of former Mr Olympia Mike Mentzer and Mentzer’s coach Arthur Jones, he created his own system that focused on reaching maximum muscle stimulation through short, high-intensity workout sessions rather than long workouts.

Here we attempt to explain what’s special about Yates’s high-intensity training method and what it can do for you. Although it would take a whole book to do his teachings and philosophies justice, we’ve condensed the key points to provide an introduction to his timeless training methodologies.

Muscular Hypertrophy 101

Strength is very different to muscular hypertrophy. Strength on its most basic level can be defined as a muscle’s (or group of muscles’) ability to produce force. Therefore strength depends on a number of neuromuscular processes, not just the size of the muscle. This is why Chinese Olympic lifter Liao Hui can put a 166kg snatch and 198kg clean and jerk above his head despite only weighing 69kg.

Muscular hypertrophy is something slightly different. This is a long-term, adaptive response to neuromuscular stimulation of a given minimum intensity. Put more simply, it’s the result of certain training regime designed to increase in the size of skeletal muscle, with less emphasis on the strength component. This is the type of training that produced 118kg of title-winning Dorian Yates.

High-Intensity Training

In very simple terms, Yates’s high-intensity method would typically involve one or two warm-up sets and one working set for each exercise. Just one working set might seem surprising, but Yates says, ‘I’d perform a set with 100% energy to 100% failure, then beyond to 100% fatigue – and I won’t do another set until I feel that the muscles have recuperated 100%, however long that takes. One set at that extreme intensity does the muscle-building job. For anyone trying this system, if you feel you can attempt a second set, you couldn’t have been pulling out all the stops during the first set.’

Because the focus is on working the muscles to complete failure, another set becomes impossible to do with the same intensity.

Repetition/Weight Scheme

Yates believed there was a more effective way to build muscle than just lifting the most weight. This was an idea supported by researchers from the Lundberg Laboratory for Human Muscle Function and Movement Analysis at Göteborg University. Their aim was ‘to identify dose-response relationships for the development of muscle hypertrophy by calculating the magnitudes and rates of increases in muscle cross-sectional area induced by varying levels of frequency, intensity and volume, as well as by different modes of strength training’.

Put more simply: what type of repetition range, volume and intensity builds the most muscle?
What the scientists concluded was that using a moderately heavy weight – approximately 60% to 75% of your one-rep maximum – and performing this lift until failure elicited the best results for muscle hypertrophy. This is not to say lifting maximal loads is not without its merits, but generally speaking lifting with sub-maximal weight to failure builds most muscle.

It’s true that in Yates’s famous training DVD Blood And Guts, he’s seen throwing around inhumane amounts of metal. But when asked if he’s among the strongest bodybuilders in the world, he replies, ‘I don’t think so. I've seen some of the poundages that [eight-time Mr Olympia] Ronnie Coleman uses and I don’t think I could ever duplicate that. Ronnie's probably stronger than me. He comes from a powerlifting background.’

He also adds, ‘But this wasn’t my goal. My goal was to put the optimal amount of weight and stress on the muscle to elicit the most muscle hypertrophy.’

Time to Grow

This idea was supported by 2012 research published in the Journal Of Physiology that wanted to ‘determine if the time that muscle is under loaded tension during low-intensity resistance exercise affects the synthesis of specific muscle protein fractions’. In plain English: will more time lifting the weight produce more, better-quality muscle?

To find out, the researchers got eight men to perform three sets of unilateral knee extension exercise at 30% of one-rep max. Some participants completed the exercise slowly, lifting for a total of six seconds. Others performed the same exercise, with the same weight, but completed the action in one second.

The results? After ingesting 20 grams of protein and monitoring how the body absorbed and used it, they found that ‘myofibrillar protein synthetic rate was higher in the slow condition group compared to the fast one’. In simple terms, the muscles in the group that experienced more time under tension experienced a greater degree of protein synthesis – the repair and regrowth of the muscles.

In summary, that is how one man rewrote the blueprint for building muscle – and Yates’s expanding global empire indicates that it’s still relevant today. With millions following his teachings on social media, a new Temple Gym being built in Marbella and an impending book and HIT Academy for personal trainers, it seems his contribution to the world of bodybuilding and fitness has not finished being written.

News Ross Edgley
28 Aug 2015

We Mirin' Vol. 121: 16 Skinny-To-Swole Transformations

These 16 former twigs prove that a little hard work and a lot of food can produce amazing changes!

A More Comfortable Air Mattress for Car Camping

This 6-inch thick car-camping air mattress is like having your bed from home in the backcountry[...]

The Myth About Thread Count

A higher number doesn't always mean better quality fabrics or a softer, more comfortable bedsheets.

Watch What It's Like to Get Slapped By a Grizzly Bear

This Alaskan brown bear doesn't like what it sees.

Remembering Darryl Dawkins, and the Rims He Punished

We celebrate the life of Chocolate Thunder, history's most powerful dunker, with an ode to shattered glass.

Why You Should Be Drinking Beer Made From Flowers

Flower-infused brews have grown in popularity and production in recent years.

4 Ways to Cook With Cherries

A twist in flavor makes the most of cherries before the season ends.

Friday, August 28, 2015

The NFL Lineman Workout: Get Lean, Stay Powerful

Guards and tackles are replacing football's "mass kicks ass" thinking with slimmer, stronger, faster bodies.

Thursday, August 27, 2015

True Muscle Trainer: Phase 2, Day 25

You've been doing total-body workouts, so use your rest days to recuperate, whether you feel like it or not!

The Best Golf Courses In (and Around) New York City

The concrete jungle is home to some of the country's greenest courses, toughest tracks, and most incredible holes.

True Muscle Trainer: Phase 2, Day 24

Grab a medicine ball and some dumbbells. We're going to build more strength today, True Muscle-style!

Wales Rugby pre-World Cup training

With less than a month to go, the Wales rugby team are revving up their World Cup fitness preparations with modified strongman drills

George North, Leigh Halfpenny, Sam Warburton and their Wales team-mates have been straining every sinew and working every sweat gland to get as fit as humanly possible ahead of the 2015 Rugby World Cup.

Here, MaxiNutrition takes us behind the scenes to their training camp at the Vale near Cardiff where the team have been working on their power endurance with repeated blasts on SkiErgs and Wattbikes.

And to further boost their work capacity in a bid to run opponents off their feet, this video reveals they’re also using strongman training methods with tugs of war, human carries and even pushing Merc hatchbacks around a rugby field.

Wales have been especially susceptible to losing late on in matches against their World Cup pool opponents Australia – most recently going down 28-33 in Cardiff last autumn – and the team are recruiting every method possible to ensure they can go the distance this year. 

In pre-season they’ve scaled the Swiss Alps for altitude training, endured sprint sessions in 40°C heat in Doha, Qatar, and now returned to the altitude and cryotherapy chambers of their Vale of Glamorgan home. 

‘The pre-tournament training camp was brutal, a real test for the human body and for the whole Wales squad,’ says North, Wales’s instrumental winger. ‘It was really intense – we were 2,000 metres above sea level too, so the altitude meant an extra drain on body.’

‘With the heat and the nature of the training, recovery was essential – it contributed to performance and let us get the most out of the sessions,’ North says.

‘Getting the right protein, balanced diet and sleep was very important. After a session, I’d have a MaxiNutrition shake and I’d be snacking on the MaxiNutrition Promax bars too.’

Come the World Cup final on 31st October, you can bet the best team to win the tournament will most likely be the fittest one too.

MaxiNutrition is the #1 expert-recommended sports protein brand, with a strong heritage in rugby. MaxiNutrition’s products include a unique triple-release fast-acting, slow-release formulation. Click here to find out more. 

Videos Sam Rider
26 Aug 2015

The Spicy Food Weight-Loss Plan

Spicy chemical in chilis may have bigger effects on the body than we thought, especially when it comes to how much we eat.

Legs Like Jessie's: Hilgenberg's 7-Move Workout

Want a lean and lovely lower body? Jessie Hilgenberg will show you exactly how to do it! All you have to do is follow this workout.

How to Cook Seafood

Six essential things to know when buying and cooking seafood.

The Wireless Shifters That Will Revolutionize How You Ride

SRAM officially unveiled its long-teased wireless, electronic shifting group.

How to Conquer Your Performance Anxiety

With the pressures put on men concerning their abilities, even a single incident can lead to long-term anxiety. Here's how to fight it.

Giro Debuts Apparel for Cyclists Seeking Performance and Style

Giro Sport Design has launched Chrono, a new line of performance apparel for road cyclists wanting to ride fast and look great.

Wednesday, August 26, 2015

Ask a Chef: Building a Better Salad

Making a great salad is as challenging and rewarding as any other meal. Here's how to do it.

Back to School: Tech Essentials

New semester, better gear.

RSP Chiseled Phase 4: Day 45

Today's workout is a superset chest smash. Every rep is like a hammer, taking little chunks of fat off your frame.

How to Cut and Style Your Thinning Hair

The best tips, tricks, tools, and products for dealing with hair loss.

Corey Lost 65 Pounds In One Year. Why Not You?

One fateful morning, Corey got fed up with his physique and his health. He looked at successful transformations and asked himself, "If they can do it, why can't I?" Then he did it!

Is the Burning Man Bug Infestation Dangerous?

"Just realize you are in the middle of nature so enjoy it, this is what happens when you build a small city in the middle of no where."

RSP Chiseled Phase 4: Day 44

This is your first double cardio day!

The Essential Travel Grooming Kit

Save time, space, and hassle by picking up these nine carry-on essentials.

Fitness 360: Abel Albonetti, Model Behavior

Find out how this former runway model and hard gainer packed on the muscle and became a motivational force.

Dismaland: A Look Inside Banksy's Dystopian Bemusement Park

The bleak Disneyland satire features 58 contemporary artists.

Lais DeLeon's Strawberry Lemonade Amino Ice Pops

Take a hike, ice cream. Escape the summer heat and help your hard-working muscles recover with this guilt-free ice-pop recipe!

How a 10-Year-Old Survived Getting Lost in Utah's Wilderness

An expert explains the two essential skills that kept him alive.

How Many Reps Should You Do?

Want to build size, strength, or endurance? Then you need to know how many reps to lift! Here's how to match your goals to the best rep range and weight.

Mount Everest Is Open for Business — But Should It Be?

herpa have returned to Everest to rebuild the climbing route up the world's most sought-after summit[...]

Leg Workouts For Men: The 7 Best Workouts For Thicker Quads, Glutes, And Hams

Rather than following a one-size-fits-all workout on leg day, let your goals drive your routine.

Today's Conspiracy Theory: Daniel LaRusso Was Actually the Bad Guy in 'Karate Kid'

Cobra Kai's Johnny never wanted any trouble.

Six Condiments to Avoid If You're Trying to Eat Healthy

You may be eating a healthy meal, but what about what you're adding to it? Here are the condiments to hold back on.

Tuesday, August 25, 2015

Better Beds for Backpackers

A sleeping bag and tent aren't the only options for backcountry camping. Here are great alternatives[...]

Rethinking Your Advil Habit

When is it safe to take Advil or Aleve, ibuprofen, or naproxen?

Could Justin Wilson's Death Have Been Prevented?

Fellow racers are wondering whether a canopy could have saved the 37-year-old's life.

Was Floyd Mayweather's $4.8 Million Supercar Worth It?

Floyd Mayweather's recent purchase of a $4.8 million hypercar got us thinking: How far could those dollars go in the auto world?

The 10 Laziest Rivers in the U.S.

Our favorite spots to go floating with an ice-cold beer.

True Muscle Trainer: Phase 2, Day 23

Take a knee today. You've earned it!

Tough Mudder interval training

This interval workout will get you in obstacle-ready shape - with the help of Sony’s latest tech

Nothing recreates the strength-draining, cardio-sapping ebb and flow of an obstacle-packed Tough Mudder course quite like interval training. ‘It allows the body to adapt very quickly to a wide variety of demands, especially if you incorporate upper and lower body strength work and all of your different energy systems,’ says Luke Chamberlain of Impulse Fitness.

‘A Tough Mudder will challenge your aerobic energy system during the run, your anaerobic energy system on obstacles that require explosive strength such as Hero Walls, and your intermediate energy system for strength endurance-based obstacles such as Hold Your Wood 2.0. Interval training allows you to tackle all of these elements in one workout in a format that’s very similar to the event itself, making it an excellent training tool for anyone preparing to tackle a Tough Mudder.’

How to do this workout

‘The A move in every set is designed to work your anaerobic energy system, so try and perform them as explosively as possible,’ says Chamberlain. ‘The B move will test your strength endurance, while the C move will work your aerobic energy system to build endurance. Perform 30-60 seconds of continuous walking - depending on your fitness levels - as active recovery between every exercise.’

To help track your progress and improve your fitness, use the step counter on your SmartWatch 3 or SmartBand Talk from Sony - both of which synch with the XperiaTM Z3 via Sony’s Lifelog app - to monitor how many steps you need to take between each exercise to recover, and then aim to reduce that amount during every subsequent workout. You can also use the calorie counting function on both devices to monitor how many calories you burn during every session. As your fitness improves, this number should keep going up. If it doesn’t, you’re not pushing yourself hard enough!

1A Plyometric box jump

Sets 1

Reps 4

Rest 30-45sec active recovery

1B Monkey bar traverse

Sets 1

Time 30-45sec

Rest 30-45sec active recovery

1C Treadmill run

Sets 1

Distance 500-1000m

Rest 30-45sec active recovery

2A Thruster

Sets 1

Reps 8

Rest 30-45sec active recovery

2B Incline treadmill sprint

Sets 1

Time 30-45sec

Rest 30-45sec active recovery

2C Dead hang

Sets 1

Time 60sec

Rest 30-45sec active recovery

3A Deadlift to upright row

Sets 1

Reps 12

Rest 30-45sec active recovery

3B Bear crawls

Sets 1

Time 30-45sec

Rest 30-45sec active recovery

3C Rowing

Sets 1

Distance 500-1000m

Rest 30-45sec active recovery

You can pick up the new Xperia Z3+ and Sony’s SmartWear at Carphone Warehouse now.

21 Aug 2015

The Headphones That Combine Sound, Style, and Value

A pair of stylish and comfortable on-ear headphones that deliver high-quality sound.

RSP Chiseled Phase 4: Day 43

Welcome to the shred phase of the RSP Chiseled Trainer! Get ready to crank up your cardio!

Corporate Logos Could Be Coming to NHL Uniforms

The iconic emblems of hockey's Original Six might soon be joined by McDonald's Golden Arches.

The 40 Best Low-Calorie Foods

Low-calorie doesn't have to mean low on flavor or nutrients. Fill your fridge with these healthy, calorie-friendly foods that support your health goals and weight-loss efforts!

5 Things You Didn't Know About Duke Kahanamoku

The father of surf led an illustrious life.

How, Why, And When To Use Wrist Straps

To strap or not to strap? The question has become far too loaded. Here's the only wrist-strap guide you need to read before you step up to the bar!

9 Things You Didn't Know About Kissing

Why not every culture kisses, and how to do it right.

True Muscle Trainer: Phase 1, Day 21

Today marks the end of Phase 1 of the True Muscle Trainer. Recover today so you can be mentally and physically prepared for Phase 2!

How Did Donald Trump Do as a Pro Football Team Owner?

The highs and lows of the 2016 presidential hopeful's fight against NFL supremacy.

True Muscle Trainer: Phase 1, Day 20

If you're legs aren't too sore and you feel like you need to spend another day in the gym, take your dog for an extra-long walk.

Where To Eat At the US Open: A Culinary Tour of Queens

The best restaurants, food trucks, frozen desserts, dive bars — all a stone's throw from the US Open tennis championships.

RSP Chiseled Phase 3: Day 42

Get a head start on the next week—and the next phase—today!

RSP Chiseled Phase 3: Day 41

It's time for more ''fun cardio." Move your body, but enjoy yourself while you do it!

Monday, August 24, 2015

True Muscle Trainer: Phase 1, Day 19

It's leg day again. You know what that means: it's party time at the bar(bell). Go hard. There is no other option.

How to Make the Perfect Sweet and Spicy Short Rib Sandwich

The recipe for the Charcoal Smoked Short Rib Sandwich with fresh pickled cucumbers and charred jalapeño BBQ sauce.

True Muscle Trainer: Phase 1, Day 18

This chest and triceps smash will not only give you an enormous pump, but will also give you plenty of reasons to look forward to more gains.

The World Wants More Whiskey, Less Vodka

American bourbon, rye, and whiskey are booming, while vodka's demand is slowly shrinking

True Muscle Trainer: Phase 2, Day 22

Ready to shake things up again? It's time to focus on strength and power!

Saturday, August 22, 2015

Friday, August 21, 2015

Military Colors Done Right

Shades once reserved for boot camp are becoming a key color spectrum for a man's wardrobe.

We 'Mirin Volume 120: 14 EPIC SELFIES

Feast your eyes upon these 14 selfie masters and soak up some inspiration!

The Ultimate Weightlifting Belt Guide

All you need to know about how weightlifting belts works, what to look for, and even how to wear one properly.

A Death at the Leadville Trail 100: What Went Wrong

On August 15, Scott Ellis, an experienced cyclist died while participating in the Leadville Trail 100 mountain bike race in Colorado.

Thursday, August 20, 2015

True Muscle Trainer: Phase 1, Day 17

Rest is an essential part of growth! Take the day off from the gym and enjoy some extra time to yourself.

How to Dress Like an American Super Spy

Henry Cavill suits up as CIA's answer to James Bond in The Man from U.N.C.L.E.

Wednesday, August 19, 2015

The Bad News Bills

How Rex Ryan has built a team of bad, no-holds-barred football players.

True Muscle Trainer: Phase 1, Day 15

If you're ready to do some smart, effective work on your shoulders and abs, then let's do it!

Monday, August 17, 2015

'Outlaw Chronicles': True Stories with the Hells Angels

For nearly 30 years, George Christie was a leader in the notorious biker gang. Now he tells his story.

True Muscle Trainer: Phase 1, Day 14

If you're feeling a little antsy today, do some light swimming or hiking. Other than that, use today to rest up for next week.

Workout of the Week #31

Workout of the Week burpee pull-up

Burn fat and build muscle with our weekly gym challenge. Workout of the Week #31: beat the clock pull-ups

Take on your Men's Fitness workout of the week, a new 52-part series to keep you inspired and challenged for 2015. We'll post a new workout every Monday and for an added incentive, we'll take on the workout too so you can see how your best time compares with a member of the MF team.

Workout of the Week #31

Beat the clock pull-ups: On minute one do two pull-ups, on minute two do four pull-ups, etc until failure

How to do the workout:
Hog a pull-up bar and start a timer. At the start of every minute, do pull-ups, using the rest of the minute to rest. On the first minute do two pull-ups, on the second do four pull-ups and repeat. Stop when you can't complete all the required pull-ups within that minute and note down how far you get. Try and beat that number on your next go.

Watch the video, take on the challenge and post your best score in the comments section below.

MF's par time: 10 pull-ups/five min

This workout was shot at The Athlete Centre in Oxford. Check out our Workout of the Week YouTube playlist for more gym challenges. Subscribe to the Men's Fitness YouTube channel for our weekly Workouts of the Week, posted every Monday throughout 2015.

Workouts Sam Rider
17 Aug 2015

Friday, August 14, 2015

Best Beers and Labels Brewed in Spite

Two breweries are waring over Andrew Luck and Tom Brady, but they aren't the first ones brew beers with a strong statement.

True Muscle Trainer: Phase 1, Day 12

This is the last prescribed workout you'll complete this week, so bring your best attitude to the gym and work hard!

Upgrader diary: fitness model part 4

Aspiring fitness model Matt Botwright already has his eye on another competition

Having made it through my first comp without anything disastrous happening, I decided to enter myself into the Pure Elite show on 27th September. But before my programming ramps up again, I’m heading on holiday to Amsterdam with my mates.

It will be hard to stick to my diet while they all rub my face in it eating whenever and whatever they like, but I’m still going to train while I’m there. I've emailed a gym and managed to get a week’s guest pass, so I’ll be doing my cardio and weight sessions in the morning before heading out for the rest of the day.

When I’m back from holiday I’ll start doing some posing practice and will sort out a new routine for Pure Elite that I'm totally comfortable with. I also want to work on my chest, but at the moment I'm just focusing on getting even more shredded than last time and seeing how far I can push myself.

My latest stack of goodies from ON arrived today. It was like Christmas! The supplements make getting pumped for the gym so much easier, especially when dieting. Having a Gold Standard Pre Workout or Amino Energy wakes me up no matter how I’m feeling and gives me the energy for an intense workout.

I have nine weeks to prepare for Pure Elite, which is more than I had for the last competition. So I’m pretty optimistic. I’m also in a much better starting position. When I commenced my Upgrade challenge I was around 99kg. This time I'm 93kg, aiming to be around 88kg when I step on stage. If I manage that I could get a spot on the podium. Who knows? Maybe I’ll even win.

Coach’s verdict

After such an intense period of training and dieting, Matt gradually taking his foot off the gas is a good idea. His body was stressed during the last few weeks before his comp, so it’s nice to be able to add in some extra calories and reduce his training frequency… for a little while anyway.

It’s amazing that Matt enjoyed his last comp and has signed up for Pure Elite already, but that means we are going to have to continue to make improvements away from the bright lights of the stage so he really impresses next time he is up there.

The full-body workout

14 Aug 2015

Thursday, August 13, 2015

This Summer's Best Short Sleeve Button-Downs

A classic look that helps you stay cool and comfortable at the same time. Or, better said: sun's out, guns out.

Fitbit Surge review: how smart is it?

How does Fitbit’s multi-functional fitness watch the Surge compare to its smartwatch rivals?

Fitbit’s latest innovation, the Surge, has a simplistic design – but don’t be fooled. While it guarantees the basic functions that you’d expect from every fitness watch – tracking speed, distance and time - it also includes features that might just catch you by surprise. In fact, it’s been branded a ‘superwatch’ thanks to several upgrades, which places it among the likes of Garmin’s Fenix 2 Multisport in the high-end market of fitness watches (and has a price of £199 to match). So can it compete?

Simple delivery

The Surge’s basic black-and-white touchscreen display makes navigation extremely easy, with the swipe of a finger enough to access your heart rate, pedometer and distance covered thanks to its eight sensors. Lightweight and comfortable on your wrist, whether you’re at your desk or in the gym you’ll hardly notice you’re wearing it – although its chunky core (a consequence of the heart rate monitor hidden underneath the face) renders it pretty impractical to wear while sleeping, despite its sleep tracker.

Style-wise the Surge, currently available in black with blue and tangerine coming soon, is a bit characterless – nothing about it is particularly striking. While fashion isn’t necessarily a prime factor with fitness watches, if the Surge is designed to be worn all day, there should be closer attention to styling. A useful fastening clip on the rubber strap to prevent loose ends flapping around.


We tested the Surge for a month but it was clear within a couple of hours – as soon as we set up the supporting phone app – that Fitbit had created something of a hybrid fitness watch, acting almost as a transition between a standard fitness watch and a smartwatch.

You can access the Surge’s settings on your phone to enable notifications that inform you of an incoming call or text, and while you’re not actually able to answer either, it’s a handy way of keeping up-to-date if your phone’s on silent. The only slight downside to this is that a Bluetooth connection must always be present, which can drain your phone battery a bit. Music control is a further addition, allowing you to pause and skip songs through the watch’s touchscreen or side buttons so you don't have to interrupt your workout.

Fit for purpose

What the Surge certainly doesn’t lack is a choice of training programmes to match your intended exercise. Choose the ‘run’ section and your options are free run, lap run (both GPS-enabled) and treadmill. Within ‘exercises’ you have bike and hike (both of which are also programmed to use GPS tracking), alongside weights, elliptical, spinning and workout. One advantage of so many options is that you can compare, for example, your heart rate and calories burned when lifting weights with spinning.

There are drawbacks. Fitbit claims the Surge, when fully charged, will last as many as seven days, but four to five days is a more realistic evaluation of its battery power. Additionally, while the heart rate monitor is responsive and accurate, the pedometer often overestimates the amount of steps taken. No device can measure each and every step, but even five steps are read as seven or eight, meaning it thinks you’ve reached your daily target sooner than you have. It makes you question the accuracy of its distance covered and calories burned readings as well. However, it’s not significantly worse than other watches so if you’re considering the Surge this perhaps shouldn’t be a crucial factor, just something to bear in mind.

Back on the positive side, the addition of GPS tracking is particularly effective. Before a run, users can initiate the GPS when choosing a training programme so that the Surge can track your route without your phone and then transmit the data to the website app, on which you can also submit a food diary, combining well with the slightly-inaccurate pedometer and exercises completed throughout the day.


It undoubtedly has flaws but overall the Surge would enhance any training regime. The good certainly outweighs the bad, with its smartwatch functions, heart rate monitor and variety of training programmes particularly pleasing features, and at just under £200 it’s a decent-value alternative to more expensive fitness watches.

Rating: 7/10

13 Aug 2015

Marc Megna's Lifting Lessons: Abdominal Crunch

Think you know how to properly perform a crunch? Think again. Marc Megna shows what you've been doing wrong and how to correct it!

Wednesday, August 12, 2015

Henry Cavill’s top 5 tips for building a heroic body

The Man From U.N.C.L.E. star on how to balance intense training with a hectic work schedule

Few Hollywood stars can boast the legit training credentials of Henry Cavill. Having bulked up to Kryptonian proportions to play Superman in 2013’s Man Of Steel, the 32-year-old slimmed down significantly for his role as thief-turned-spy Napoleon Solo in Guy Ritchie’s update of 1960s TV show The Man From U.N.C.L.E., only to have to put it all back on and more for next year’s eagerly-anticipated Batman vs Superman: Dawn Of Justice.

His body transformations are all the more impressive given the gruelling nature of his schedule, which regularly saw him fit punishing workouts that would leave most gym-goers whimpering in the changing room – courtesy of first Gym Jones founder Mark Twight and, more recently, Michael Blevins – around brutal 14-hour shooting days. Here, Cavill explains how he managed this superhuman workload and achieved such otherworldly results.


Put simply, it’s the only way to get things done. ‘The key is to block off chunks of time,’ says Cavill. ‘Don’t just write a list of things to do and try to get them all done as you go through the day. Wherever possible, give yourself a specific time and timeframe for each task, and you’ll be far more likely to actually get it done.’ This includes everything from meals and checking emails to hitting the gym. The more structured your day, the more productive you’ll be.


‘Normally I find that mornings are the best time for me to train, but when I was filming Batman vs Superman, that meant training at 5am, which wasn’t ideal,’ says Cavill. ‘The other option was training at 9pm after a full day of shooting which didn’t work either, so I ended up having to do what I could when I could to maintain my fitness. Really the best time of day to train is whenever you feel the strongest and you feel like you can actually perform at your best and get stuck in.’ This might require a bit of trial and error and may depend on your schedule, but it’s worth working it out to maximise your results.


‘A lot of guys get caught up in only eating chicken and broccoli, chicken and broccoli, but I couldn’t do it – I’d shoot myself,’ says Cavill. ‘You can allow yourself to have a bit more variety, especially if you’re mass gaining. You can’t eat crap all the time, but you can enjoy a good burger. It’ll help you mentally as well as physically.’ And the occasional outright cheat meal isn’t out of the question either. ‘During the Batman vs Superman shoot there was a great place called the Vinsetta Garage in Michigan where we ate pizza and burgers that were second to none,’ he says, wistfully.


‘Sometimes I’ll have days when I’m on my way to the gym and I’m just not feeling it,’ says Cavill. ‘At that point my coach, Michael Blevins, will say “OK, let’s just feel it out a bit”, and often I’ll find that once I get started, my energy will start kicking in and I’ll realise that actually I’m OK and good to go. But if by that point I’m still struggling, we’ll use the time to do something lighter instead, like go for a walk.’ The lesson? If you’re feeling tired, start your workout and gauge your body’s response. You might surprise yourself – but a scaled-down active recovery session is still far more productive than doing nothing at all.


‘You’ve got to find someone who’s really passionate about what they do, and isn’t just being a trainer to feed their ego because they think it’s cool,’ says Cavill. ‘Everyone’s got an ego, but you want somebody who’s thinking about you, not themselves – someone who’s prepared to really tailor what they’re doing to suit your needs.’ Not sure where to start with the host of PTs at your local gym? Watch them training their existing clients and see how much attention they’re actually giving them. Don’t be afraid to book one-off free trial sessions with multiple trainers in the same gym either – only the ones with huge egos will take it personally if you opt for one of their colleagues instead, and you’re far more likely to find one who’s in tune with your goals and personality.

The Man From U.N.C.L.E. is in cinemas nationwide on Friday 14th August

Advice Ben Ince
12 Aug 2015

The Brands Bringing Menswear Manufacturing Back to America

For these designers, the words "Made in America" aren't political. They're a matter of necessity.

Buff Bride: How To Get In Shape For Your Wedding

Want to lose weight for your wedding? Here are the training tips, workouts, and even wedding-diet advice to help you look and feel your best on your big day!

Tuesday, August 11, 2015

Workout of the Week #30

Workout of the Week burpee pull-up

Burn fat and build muscle with our weekly gym challenge. Workout of the Week #30: Farmer's walk and med ball press-ups

Take on your Men's Fitness workout of the week, a new 52-part series to keep you inspired and challenged for 2015. We'll post a new workout every Monday and for an added incentive, we'll take on the workout too so you can see how your best time compares with a member of the MF team.

Workout of the Week #30

Do three sets of 50m farmer's walks and 20 alternating med ball press-ups as fast as you can.

Watch the video, take on the challenge and post your best score in the comments section below.

MF's par time: 6min

This workout was shot at The Athlete Centre in Oxford. Check out our Workout of the Week YouTube playlist for more gym challenges. Subscribe to the Men's Fitness YouTube channel for our weekly Workouts of the Week, posted every Monday throughout 2015.

Workouts Sam Rider
11 Aug 2015

48 Perfect Things: Tech, Tools, Toys, and the Hottest New Gear

The year's most innovative styles and designs in auto, home, tech, and play.

True Muscle Trainer: Phase 1, Day 9

Do the work in the gym and the kitchen. Your body needs both to change.

Monday, August 10, 2015

Alton Brown's Other Obsession: Vintage Watches

"My ravenous appetite for vintage timepieces is... it's like crack. It's bad. I have a problem.[...]

True Muscle Trainer: Phase 1, Day 8

The second week of the True Muscle Trainer starts just like the first week: with you smashing your shoulders and abs.

Saturday, August 8, 2015

Rapha's Rucksack Is the Ultimate Backpack for Cyclists

Carry everything you could need for a ride, race, or cross-country flight.

True Muscle Trainer: Phase 1, Day 7

Use today to get your meals and your supplementation prepared for the coming week!

Upgrader diary: CrossFit - part 4

Four months into his Upgrade, Alistair McGovern is nearly competition ready

The #Upgrader – Alistair McGovern

The intensity of my training has definitely increased in the past month. Having spent the first couple of months focusing predominantly on my lifting technique and gymnastics work, it’s been great to incorporate some more ‘traditional’ CrossFit-style training into my workouts. This involved increasing the intensity and workload within each session, and adding more cardio-intensive workout protocols such as EMOM (every minute on the minute) and CrossFit-specific exercises such as muscle ups and handstand walks.

My lifts have gone up too. When I started my Upgrade, my back squat three rep max was 145kg, but when I re-tested it last week I managed 172.5kg for three, which is a dramatic jump! I feel stronger, fitter and faster, and I’m still noticing ongoing body composition improvements. I’ve had to buy a second batch of new t-shirts to accommodate my ever-expanding shoulders and I’m still getting leaner around my midsection.

One of my main goals when starting the Upgrade was to qualify for the Battle Of The Beasts competition. The deadline for the first qualifying round - for which you have to submit a video of yourself performing a six-minute AMRAP (as many rounds as possible) of nine power cleans, six front squats and three overhead presses - is next week, but I’m feeling confident having done a very successful dummy run last week.

I’m still on track with my nutrition, too. I was ill for a few days with a neuro virus last month, and I ended up losing 3kg through not being able to eat for a few days, but I’ve managed to put 2kg of that back on since then. I’ve largely managed this by upping my carb intake to 450g a day and increasing my protein consumption to 200g per day (my fats have stayed the same at 100g). This has pushed my overall calorie intake up to roughly 4,500 a day, which is a lot of food to get through.

One thing that has changed slightly this month is my supplement regime, as I’ve started taking Optimum Nutrition’s new Pro BCAAs. The flavour has a slight hint of lemonade to it, which tastes even better than their previous version. Before my Upgrade I’d tried plain BCAAs, and they always tasted really chalky, so this is definitely an improvement. I’m also still enjoying my cookies and cream flavour Gold Standard Whey shake before training, and my Vanilla recovery powder afterwards.

Coach’s verdict

I’m really happy with Alistair’s progress. He’s done very well to fit all his training in around his job, and he’s managed to stay on track with his nutrition too. He’s even been making an effort with all extra things outside of the programme that will help him to excel, such as taking care of his recovery and going to bed early.

His overall strength and ability to do gymnastics for volume - which are two key skill components for CrossFit - have increased significantly, which allows us to focus on more intense conditioning work. The amount of weight he can now lift should set him in good stead to get through the first round of qualifiers for Battle Of The Beasts

The workout


Back squat jumps

Sets 9

Reps 2

Rest as required

Back squat

Sets 6

Reps 2

Rest 1min

Handstand holds

Sets 8

Time 30sec

Rest 30sec


Every minute on the minute

Time 24 minutes


Reps 5

Rest for the remainder of the minute

Wall balls

Reps 15

Rest for the remainder of the minute

Handstand walk

Distance 15m

Rest for the remainder of the minute

7 Aug 2015

Thursday, August 6, 2015

The Surprising Truth About Artificial Sweeteners

Artificial sweeteners are consumed daily worldwide. They've been used for over 100 years, but are they safe—or are they to blame for your weight-loss struggles and lackluster performance in the gym?

How to Make Your Dog Smell Better

Recognize and fix the six most common causes of a stinky pooch.

A Police Dog Trainer's Top 5 Rules

Dog handlers Jim Dolce and Jerry Christiansen explain why pet training is "all about making it a game."

The Perfect Fat-Burning Barbecue Menu

Mastering the art of alfresco cooking can drastically improve your health and leanness. Grab some tongs and fire up the barbecue!

Tuesday, August 4, 2015

The Surprisingly Delicious Cocktail Made With Duck Fat

The Duck Out makes the perfect post-dinner drink.

Why the Maker of the World's Best Whiskey Is Sending Samples Into Space

Suntory will study the effects of micro-gravity on whiskey to better understand how the spirit ages.

10 Best And Worst Cardio Machines

Not all cardio equipment is created equal! We've assembled a list of the best—and worst— machines!

Workout of the Week #29

Workout of the Week burpee pull-up

Burn fat and build muscle with our weekly gym challenge. Workout of the Week #29: Strength, power and endurance

Take on your Men's Fitness workout of the week, a new 52-part series to keep you inspired and challenged for 2015. We'll post a new workout every Monday and for an added incentive, we'll take on the workout too so you can see how your best time compares with a member of the MF team.

Workout of the Week #29

Do three sets of 10 bodyweight deadlifts, 5 broad jumps and a 400m run at a 1% incline as fast as you can.

How to do the workout:

Set up a barbell with your bodyweight on it (so if you weigh 80kg you'll add 60kg to the 20kg barbell). Perform ten deadlifts, generating power by driving your hips forwards as you stand. After ten reps move onto the broad jumps. Jump powerfully as far as you can, using your arms for momentum, and focusing on a stable landing on both feet so you don't fall forwards. After five reps, jump on the treadmill, set to a 1% incline to replicate the conditions of road running, and run 400m as fast as you can. Repeat the circuit three times in total and rest as needed. 

Watch the video, take on the challenge and post your best score in the comments section below.

MF's par time: 9min

This workout was shot at The Athlete Centre in Oxford. Check out our Workout of the Week YouTube playlist for more gym challenges. Subscribe to the Men's Fitness YouTube channel for our weekly Workouts of the Week, posted every Monday throughout 2015.

Workouts Sam Rider
4 Aug 2015

The Hot Dog King of Chicago’s Second Act

Doug Sohn has a new post-Hot Doug's job.

Supplement Company Of The Month: ISatori

Stephen Adelé and CT Fletcher have both seen it all in their long careers. When they teamed up under the iSatori banner, weakness didn't stand a chance! Here's how the inventor and manufacturer of Bio-Gro is growing strong!

The All-New Tech Behind the BMW 7 Series

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Fitstagram Volume 29: #TransformationTuesday

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Should National Parks Ban Cell Phones?

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Ask The Science Chick: How Bad Is Sodium Consumption For An Athlete?

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Australian Rugby Star Jarryd Hayne Chases his NFL Dream

The 27-year-old hopes to carve out a new role for players coming to the league from Down Under.

True Muscle Trainer: Phase 1, Day 2

Did yesterday leave you feeling sore? Good! Eat up today's back and biceps workout and then rest tomorrow.

Not the Man I Used to Be

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RSP Chiseled Phase 2: Day 23

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Watch the Entire WWE Roster Honor 'Rowdy' Roddy Piper

Complete with a 10-bell salute and tribute video.

Monday, August 3, 2015

4 Lessons I Learned At The 2015 CrossFit Games senior editor Cassie Smith recently competed at the 2015 CrossFit Games. These are the 4 timeless and universal lessons she learned.

Ronda Rousey Represents Everything Boxing is Missing

The undefeated UFC bantamweight champ has won her last four fights in a combined 130 seconds.

We 'Mirin Volume 117: Fit Besties

A great workout begins and ends with a supportive partner. Check out these fit friends who push each other every day!

Why J.J. Watt Fears Heat Stroke

The Texans All-Pro admits that the destruction he's capable of dishing out is nothing compared to heat stroke.

Extreme Dieting Nearly Killed Julie—Until Fitness Saved Her

After a bout with a severe eating disorder, Julie got her health and relationship with food right back on track!

Inside-Out Crab Cakes

The trick to the crunchiest ones you've ever had? Rethink the filling.

Sunday, August 2, 2015

How to Keep Your Data Safe While Traveling

Last year, 12.7 million Americans had their data stolen. Here's how to make sure that's not you while you're on the road.

8 Healthy Snacks To Kill Your Cravings!

The next time you get the urge to reach for something sweet, grab one of these healthy snacks to help fuel your day without sabotaging your goals fitness.

From Cairo to Cape Town, The Fastest Bike Ride Across Africa

How Scotsman Mark Beaumont became the fastest person to bike across Africa.

The Smart Way To Build A Fat-Loss Diet

Smart fat loss isn't about seeing what you can survive. Crash dieting is a recipe for burnout, metabolic adaptation, and even fat gain. Layne Norton and Sohee Lee have a better way to earn results that last!

Rio's Olympic Outdoor Water Venues Are Still Full of Sewage

An Associated Press investigation found that four water venues have dangerous levels of viruses.

The Most High-Tech Compact Camera Ever Made

Sony's RX100 IV is the most feature-packed compact camera to date.

Protesters Are Hanging From an Oregon Bridge to Block a Shell Oil Icebreaker

The activists aim to prevent the boat from returning to Artic oil exploration.

The 38 Best Podcasts for Men

We listened to them all and picked the best shows for guys interested in fitness, science, sports, comedy, and news.

The Golden Age of the Veggie Burger

Chefs are trying hard to make veggie burgers that carnivores will love.

Chef Curtis Stone's Beginner Guide to Cooking Seafood

Chef Curtis Stone share his tips for better seafood at home.

The Dangers of Tommy John Surgery According to One of Baseball's Greats

John Smoltz used his Hall of Fame induction speech to warn young players about the now-famous elbow surgery.

Crazy 8's: 4 Challenging Workouts To Kick-Start Your Growth!

Jump-start stale training and spur new muscle gains with any one of these 4 challenging "Crazy 8" workouts that are anything but ordinary!

Watch a Brazilian Strongman Remove a Car Blocking His Bike Lane

Meet the new hero for bike commuters around the world.

Triple Your Gains With Squat Every Day 3.0

Ready to make some serious gains in your big lifts? Squat Every Day 3.0 is a 3-week wave that utilizes band tension for maximum results!

New Takes on Classic Cocktails

You can keep your martini or old fashioned, but give these other cocktails a try.

Build Max Muscle With German Volume Training!

Doing 10 sets of a single exercise for 10 reps is a time-tested, deceptively simple formula for serious muscle gains. If you're ready to build serious mass, try German volume training on for size!

Exclusive Trailer: Surfer John John Florence's 'A View From a Blue Moon'

John John Florence's first full film, A View from a Blue Moon is set to relase this Winter.

Limber 11: The Only Lower-Body Warm-Up You'll Ever Need!

No more confused wriggling or pointless treadmill plodding. Get warm just like a pro athlete with top trainer Joe DeFranco's 10-minute lower-body pre-workout routine!

Eminem: The Home Body 

He boxed, he battled addiction, and ran like a hamster on a wheel until he found his fitness groove in front of the TV.

See a Jockey's View of What It's Like to Ride American Pharoah

The Triple Crown winner's jockey mounted a 360-degree GoPro array to his helmet.

If You Love Intervals, Try a Ladder Workout

Build strength, endurance, and speed in less time with this engaging workout format.