Saturday, August 8, 2015

Upgrader diary: CrossFit - part 4

Four months into his Upgrade, Alistair McGovern is nearly competition ready

The #Upgrader – Alistair McGovern

The intensity of my training has definitely increased in the past month. Having spent the first couple of months focusing predominantly on my lifting technique and gymnastics work, it’s been great to incorporate some more ‘traditional’ CrossFit-style training into my workouts. This involved increasing the intensity and workload within each session, and adding more cardio-intensive workout protocols such as EMOM (every minute on the minute) and CrossFit-specific exercises such as muscle ups and handstand walks.

My lifts have gone up too. When I started my Upgrade, my back squat three rep max was 145kg, but when I re-tested it last week I managed 172.5kg for three, which is a dramatic jump! I feel stronger, fitter and faster, and I’m still noticing ongoing body composition improvements. I’ve had to buy a second batch of new t-shirts to accommodate my ever-expanding shoulders and I’m still getting leaner around my midsection.

One of my main goals when starting the Upgrade was to qualify for the Battle Of The Beasts competition. The deadline for the first qualifying round - for which you have to submit a video of yourself performing a six-minute AMRAP (as many rounds as possible) of nine power cleans, six front squats and three overhead presses - is next week, but I’m feeling confident having done a very successful dummy run last week.

I’m still on track with my nutrition, too. I was ill for a few days with a neuro virus last month, and I ended up losing 3kg through not being able to eat for a few days, but I’ve managed to put 2kg of that back on since then. I’ve largely managed this by upping my carb intake to 450g a day and increasing my protein consumption to 200g per day (my fats have stayed the same at 100g). This has pushed my overall calorie intake up to roughly 4,500 a day, which is a lot of food to get through.

One thing that has changed slightly this month is my supplement regime, as I’ve started taking Optimum Nutrition’s new Pro BCAAs. The flavour has a slight hint of lemonade to it, which tastes even better than their previous version. Before my Upgrade I’d tried plain BCAAs, and they always tasted really chalky, so this is definitely an improvement. I’m also still enjoying my cookies and cream flavour Gold Standard Whey shake before training, and my Vanilla recovery powder afterwards.

Coach’s verdict

I’m really happy with Alistair’s progress. He’s done very well to fit all his training in around his job, and he’s managed to stay on track with his nutrition too. He’s even been making an effort with all extra things outside of the programme that will help him to excel, such as taking care of his recovery and going to bed early.

His overall strength and ability to do gymnastics for volume - which are two key skill components for CrossFit - have increased significantly, which allows us to focus on more intense conditioning work. The amount of weight he can now lift should set him in good stead to get through the first round of qualifiers for Battle Of The Beasts

The workout


Back squat jumps

Sets 9

Reps 2

Rest as required

Back squat

Sets 6

Reps 2

Rest 1min

Handstand holds

Sets 8

Time 30sec

Rest 30sec


Every minute on the minute

Time 24 minutes


Reps 5

Rest for the remainder of the minute

Wall balls

Reps 15

Rest for the remainder of the minute

Handstand walk

Distance 15m

Rest for the remainder of the minute

7 Aug 2015

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