Wednesday, March 23, 2016

Why You Should Be Eating More Wholegrains


The brainy aren’t shy of getting grainy, and you shouldn’t either. Here’s your wholegrain 101


Being described as refined is usually a good thing. It conjures up images of men quaffing martinis while twirling well-oiled moustaches and discussing world events. However, in the world of grains, the refined are common, unpalatable creatures, stripped of most of their nutrients and left bland in taste and colour.

Wholegrains, in contrast, unrefined though they might be, are the nutritious option. To get more info on these classy seeds, Coach spoke to Chloe Miles of the British Dietetic Association.

What are wholegrains?

Wholegrain means that all three elements of the grain are present. It’s not stripped of things like the fibre-rich outer layer, the inner part and the starchy part. Refined grains like white bread don’t contain all of these three parts.

Why are they so good for us?

Wholegrains can contain up to 75% more nutrients than refined cereals. They contain fibre and B vitamins, as well as other nutrients. They can reduce our risk of some forms of cancer such as bowel cancer, and keep our digestive system healthy generally.

What are the best foods?

Good ones are wholegrain breakfast cereals, wholemeal flours – use those in baking – and things like brown rice or quinoa for salads. For snacks, oatcakes or wholegrain cereal bars. You could have chilli but with brown rice, and use wholewheat pasta instead of white pasta. You can make toppings for fruit crumbles with wholemeal flours and oats – there’s a double wholegrain whammy there.

Do we eat enough of them in the UK?

Approximately 95% of adults don’t eat enough of them, and one in three of us don’t eat any at all. There isn’t really any strict guidance on how much we should be eating in this country but other countries recommend three portions daily.

Should you cut out refined grains entirely?

They’re not completely bad for you. They obviously do have some nutrients in them and they are important in your diet if you don’t like the wholegrain variety. But I’d always say opt for the wholegrain if you can.

There’s a lot of hype around “ancient” grains like amaranth and teff. Are they especially good for us?

Generally I’d just say include whatever wholegrains are easiest for you. Acient grains don’t have any “super” quality as such. If they’re expensive and not that convenient, I’d say stick to your standard wholegrain rice, wholegrain pasta and things that are easy to get your hands on.

Nick Harris-Fry

23 Mar 2016

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