Wednesday, February 18, 2015

How to make cabbage better

Three meal ideas that'll help you to get cabbage in your diet

The cabbage soup diet might be a waste of time, but MF heartily recommends the nutrient-rich veg itself, which offers many fat-burning benefits as well as high levels of bone-strengthening vitamin K and brain-boosting folate. The problem for many people, of course, is the taste. But you can disguise that with the right recipes, such as the ones below, while reaping the benefits of this butt-ugly green nutrient powerhouse.

You'll love cabbage like this: 

Creamy chicken and colcannon - Ingredients (serves 4)

350g cabbage, shredded / 4 chicken breasts / 175g mushrooms, sliced / 550g mashed potato / 2 spring onions, sliced / 75g butter / 3tbsp milk / Black pepper / Juice of 1 lime / 2tbsp soy sauce / 1tsp honey / 2tbsp sunflower oil / 150ml chicken stock / 4tbsp crème fraîche

To make

Marinate chicken in lime juice, soy sauce and honey for 1hr. Boil cabbage for 2-3min and mix with potatoes, spring onions, black pepper, milk and half the butter. Heat oil in a pan, cook mushrooms for 5min then remove. Cook chicken for 15min and remove. Heat stock and remaining marinade in the pan. When bubbling, stir in crème fraîche. Return chicken and mushrooms to pan. In another pan, fry potato mixture in butter 5min each side until brown and crisp. Serve.  

Turkey and cabbage cakes - Ingredients (serves 4)

115g cooked cabbage / 450g mashed potato / 225g cooked turkey, diced / 1 can sweetcorn, drained / 25g unsalted butter / 1 onion, chopped / Salt and pepper / 3tbsp olive oil / 1tbsp breadcrumbs / 2tbsp flour / 1 egg, beaten / 2tbsp vegetable oil / 220g yogurt / 1tbsp white wine vinegar / 4 spring onions, chopped / 2tbsp mint, chopped / 2tsp caster sugar 

To make

Heat butter in a pan and cook onions for 2min. In a bowl, mix onion with potato, turkey, cabbage, sweetcorn and seasoning. Add olive oil, form mixture into four cakes and dust with flour. Brush with egg and sprinkle with breadcrumbs. Heat vegetable oil and cook cakes for 3min each side. Whisk yogurt, vinegar, spring onions, mint and caster sugar and serve as a dressing.

Beef and cabbage stir-fry - Ingredients (serves 2)

½ cabbage, shredded / 350g rump steak, cut into strips / 3tbsp soy sauce / Juice of 1 lime / 1tsp sesame oil / 1 red chilli, deseeded and finely chopped / 2tbsp sunflower oil / 200g mushrooms, sliced / 125g tenderstem broccoli / 75g bean sprouts

To make

Marinate the steak strips in soy sauce, lime juice, sesame oil and chilli for several hours. Heat 1tbsp of sunflower oil in a wok or large frying pan. Remove the steak from the marinade, stir-fry it for 2min, then set aside. Heat the remaining oil and stir-fry the mushrooms and cabbage for 2min. Add the broccoli, stir-fry for 1min, then add the bean sprouts and fry for another 1min. Return the steak to the pan with any leftover marinade and cook, stirring, for 2min until piping hot.


Advice Andre Jackson
18 Feb 2015

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