Thursday, February 12, 2015

Lose weight by boosting your metabolism: 5 ways

Having a quick-fire metabolism is essential for optimizing weight loss. Here’s how to boost yours to help burn fat

Put on more muscle

Unquestionably, the best way to fire up your metabolism is to put on and maintain lean muscle. Your muscles are made up of what is known as metabolically active tissue which means that it requires a great deal of energy to be built, maintained and used. If you compare this to fat tissue which pretty much just sits there like an inactive mass of blubber not burning up any calories at all. So, even if fat loss is your main training goal, be sure to keep weight training where possible as it’s the only sure fire way to put on real muscle.

Learn to love spicy food 

Feasting on a spicy curry has become standard practice for many a Briton, and long may it continue. A study published in the journal Human Nutrition Clinical Nutrition found that the capsaicin contained in red chillies packs enough punch to send your fat burning into overdrive. So forget about ordering the korma, make it spicy.

Opt for whole foods

As we mentioned earlier, the act of breaking down nutrients requires energy and burns a lot of calories. This is known as the Thermic Effect of Food (TEF). But this isn’t the case for all food, some take a lot more energy to break down than others. By choosing unprocessed whole foods such as lean meats, vegetables, fish and fruits you are utilising more calories for digestion. This is why any decent nutrition plan will recommend that you avoid liquid calories. Calorie heavy drinks (yes, even smoothies) and foods that have been over processed require very little effort to digest which drives up blood sugar levels and contributes to a bigger belly.

Coffee is your friend

We’re not talking about the creamy kind covered in sprinkles and cream, but a proper coffee is perfect for perking up your metabolism in the morning. Research presented in The American Journal of Clinical Nutrition discovered that the caffeine in coffee significantly increases fat oxidation and metabolic rate for up to 3hrs after your final sip.

Put supplements on the menu

A lot of compounds, whether they are found naturally in food or concentrated into energy drinks and supplements, have a thermogenic effect. This means that they drive up your body heat which, in turn, will speed up your metabolism. Taurine, caffeine and ephedrine or all very effective thermogenics. But, be warned, there is a downside to constantly stimulating your metabolism in this way. These supplements can all overtax your adrenal glands and therefore drive up stress responses in your body. So proceed with caution and make sure you do not overdo it when adding these stimulants to your diet. 

Advice Andre Jackson
12 Feb 2015

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