Saturday, November 21, 2015

Coach Eats: How to Make Delicious Carb-Loading Macaroni Cheese

Do Something

Make the greatest of British comfort food in only 8 basic steps


Top up your muscles’ glycogen stores, or simply chow down on the greatest macaroni cheese you’ve ever eaten, with this turbo-charged recipe from our Kitchen Coach Richard Coates, co-founder of London’s best BBQ restaurant Bodean’s:

  1. Boil a pan of water and cook some macaroni pasta for 12 minutes.
  2. While the pasta’s cooking, make some béchamel sauce by throwing in 30g butter, 30g flour and 240ml milk into a separate saucepan on a medium heat. Cook it for 20 minutes, stirring thoroughly to achieve a consistent texture.
  3. Add a small dash of double cream to the sauce and mix.
  4. Bring the sauce to the boil, then chuck in your macaroni and stir for 3-4 minutes so it heats up nicely.
  5. Stir in 1tsp English mustard to boost the flavour.
  6. Take it off the boil and like Aviccii at Tomorrowland, drop in a big handful of cheese (buy some Gruyère, it’s amazing for baking) – make sure you don’t boil it though, otherwise it will go stringy.
  7. Empty the whole saucepan into a baking tray, then top with more cheese, some breadcrumbs and chopped parsley.
  8. Place it under the grill for a few minutes and then enjoy the shit out of it.
Sam Razvi
20 Nov 2015

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