Wednesday, March 4, 2015

Cheat day meal-plan: Poutine recipe

This treat-packed but healthy meal plan includes an indulgent Canadian speciality

You can’t cheat your way to a hard six-pack or fearsome biceps – dedication and honesty in the gym and the kitchen are required. But the odd cheat day rewards your hard work and tops up your willpower reserves – and if you can do it without resorting to trans fat-filled junk, even better. All the meals in this plan, including poutine – a chips, cheese and gravy dish popular in Canada – are fairly decadent but offer valuable nutrients to help you get ripped, including healthy natural fats. Go on, treat yourself.


Pancakes with peanut butter, natural yogurt and honey provides muscle-building protein

Lunch - Poutine

Ingredients (serves 2)

2tsp butter / 300g sweet potatoes, peeled and cut into wedges / 1 clove garlic, crushed / 100ml gravy (ready-made) / 4 rashers bacon / 50g cheddar cheese, grated / 2tbsp rapeseed oil / Salt and pepper to taste

To make

  • Mix the butter and garlic and brush the potatoes with the mixture. Season with salt and pepper. 
  • Place on a baking tray and cook at 180˚C/gas mark 4 for 20 minutes, turning regularly.
  • Take out the baking tray, pour the gravy into it, grate the cheddar over and stir it in. Return to the oven for 20 minutes, or until the cheese becomes crunchy. 
  • Heat the oil in a pan over a medium heat and cook the bacon for five minutes until crisp, turning halfway. 
  • Chop the bacon and serve on top of the chips.


Chicken korma is rich in fat-fighting vitamin B3 and filling fibre


Dark chocolate and popcorn offer filling fibre and heart-healthy flavonoids


Advice Andre Jackson
4 Mar 2015

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