Thursday, January 22, 2015

28 gym slang terms explained

The lovely people at USN have taken the liberty of explaining 28 gym terms that you might hear but fail to understand

Gym jargon can sound like a completely different language if you’re a ‘newbie’. So if you want to mix it with the ‘pros’ then this guide gives you all the vocabulary you need to pump-up your workout.

1. Aesthetics 

-       To look good and pleasing

How to use it: “She’s been working hard. Aesthetically she’s looking hot.”

2. Beasting it up

- Intensity training, anything involving intense effort and mentality

How to use it: “That guy is proper beasting it up in the pit!”

3. Boulders

-       Shoulders that are solid as rock and built as strong as steel

How to use it: “Mate, your boulders are looking solid.”

4. Bro science

- Word of mouth ‘knowledge’ passed off as factual

Bro science in action: “Bro, you must take 50g of protein within 10 minutes of finishing your workout or it’ll be wasted.”

5. Bulking

 - The process of adding muscle mass to one’s body through strength training and nutrition.

How to use it: “Breakfast of champions this morning?” “Yeah, I’m bulking up - need the protein.”

6. Cardio bunny 

-  A female Gym-Goer who spends her entire workout on cardio equipment

 How to use it: “Look at that cardio bunny, she’s been on that treadmill for over an hour!”

 7. Cheap reps

-  When muscle fatigue begins to set in or the weight is too heavy, some athletes employ improper form to make a lift, using surrounding muscle Groups or even momentum to assist in the movement.

How to use it: “You’re getting lazy doing those cheat reps. Go hard or go home.”

8. Cutting up

- Stripping the body of excess bodyfat while retaining maximum muscularity

How to use it: “Big night out Friday- it’s time to start cutting up.”


-       Delayed onset of muscular soreness. That aching feeling you get days after a workout

How to use it: “Talk about sore. I’ve got a bad case of Doms.”

10. Forced reps

-  Additional repetitions of an exercise performed with the help of a partner when you’re unable to do anymore reps on your own.

How to use it: “How many more forced reps you doing?” “I’m getting beasted today - give me more.” 

11. Freak

-  A ‘head turner’. bodybuilder with unreal muscle development. People usually stare at these individuals like a rare specimen unseen before in nature. 

How to use it: “That guy was an incredible size/shape! He was a freak of nature.”

12. Full

- The appearance of muscular tightness. The best competitive bodybuilders manage to look both full and shredded.

How to use it: “Look over there. That lad is full - he’s an absolute specimen.”

13. Gains

- Dieting and training correctly to give you all kinds of gains!

How to use it: “Gains is what it’s all about - no pain, no gain.”

14. Guns

-  Another word for pumped upper arm muscles, biceps and triceps.

How to use it: “Anyone want two tickets to the gun show?”

15. Iron maiden

- Smashes the myth that women shouldn’t lift. Not afraid to beast it up in the pit with the bodybuilder freaks.

How to use it: “Look at the weights that Iron Maiden is lifting, she’s putting me to shame!” 

16. Isolation

- A technique that focuses work on an individual muscle without secondary or assisting muscle Groups being involved, which provides maximum muscle definition. A good example is the seated dumbbell concentration curl.

How to use it: “Isolation day and I’m ready to get a pump on. It’s a chest day.”

17. Judy Dench

- A slang term for hench, someone strong-looking or muscular.

How to use it: “He looks well Judy”

18. Maxing out

-  Lifting heavy weights for one rep.

How to use it: “You maxing out today?” “I’m taking it to the limit and going big.”

19. Miring

- Short for admiring. post work-out pose in front of the mirror and sharing the selfie on social media.

How to use it: “You ‘miring me? I’ve worked hard to achieve this.”

20. Muscle confusion 

- A technique to counteract the slowing of growth when muscles adapt to the training demands placed upon them. to keep growing and getting stronger, a bodybuilder needs to vary his/her sets, reps, rest, weight used and exercise angles during each workout.

How to use it: “I’m not confused - my muscles are though, and I’m gonna be Dench this time next year.” 

21. Newbie

- A person new to the gym environment with no experience of equipment and lacking in fitness and technique.

How to use it: “Look at that total newbie. All the gear and no idea.”

22. Prepping

- The process of dieting and training to get shredded for a competition.

How to use it: “Time to start prepping my meals.”

23. Progressive overload

- Gradually adding more resistance during training exercises as your strength increases.

How to use it: “It’s progressive overload time - I’m gonna stack and go!”

24. Skull crusher

- The lying French press, in which you lower a barbell from full extension above your head down to your forehead and then extend at the elbows to press it back up 

How to use it: “Whoa - you’re about to do a Skull Crusher - I’m gonna spot you.” 

25. Stacking

- Adding more weights to your workout in order to set your personal best, build strength and increase muscle mass.

How to use it: Get 'em stacked 

26. Swollen

-       Having large, well-developed muscles.

How to use it: “Bro - you look swollen today.”

27. V-taper 

- The term used to describe the so-called bodybuilding look which requires
the athlete to have wide shoulders. Big back and small mid-section. When that look is achieved the outlines of the torso form the letter “v”.

How to use it: “That guy over there has the best V-Taper I’ve ever seen.”

28. Vascular 

-  The visibility of veins on a bodybuilder as a result of exercise and low bodyfat (and perhaps higher blood volume).

How to use it: “I’m making it vein in the gym today - time to go vascular.”

22 Jan 2015

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