Thursday, January 8, 2015

The 10 most popular Men’s Fitness articles of 2014

Here are the 10 MF articles that you’ve enjoyed reading, sharing and searching for the most in 2014

10.  Fat burners: The best ones

Fat burners have long been a grey area in the world of sports nutrition and supplements. Do they really work? Are they worth the money? Is there really a shortcut to losing weight that’s as simple as swallowing a pill? All clearly pertinent enough questions in 2014 to warrant a place in our top 10. MF investigates exactly what they are and what they do, while weighing up some natural alternatives.

Read the full article here.

9. Amino acids explained

‘They have positive benefits before, during and after a workout,’ says strength coach Gregg Marsh. ‘Studies have shown that taking BCAA supplements during and after exercise can reduce muscle breakdown, while taking them before resistance training reduces delayed onset muscle soreness [DOMS]. Just some of the positives of taking amino acids we discovered in our popular report on the building blocks of muscle-building protein.

Read the full article here.  

8. Hugh Jackman Wolverine workout

By far our most popular celebrity workout of 2014. It would seem that our readers are most in favour of getting a Wolverine style body that fits perfectly into an all leather onesie (without the hood). This in depth workout, explained by Jackman’s trainer Mike Ryan, goes through the exact day-to-day training plan that got him into such ridiculously good shape for an older gent.

Read the full article here.

7. Five nutrition mistakes that you must avoid

Personal trainer Scott Baptie filled us in on the most common nutrition mistakes he sees people make. If you’re falling short of your fitness goals and you don’t understand why, you’re likely to be making one or more of these mistakes. Luckily Baptie explains exactly how to eradicate them. 

Read the full article here. 

6. Ten simple ways to lower your body fat percentage

It would seem that people are finally starting to work out that the only way your six-pack will show is if your body fat percentage is low enough for you not to have a flabby gut. Well, that would appear to be the case from the popularity of this article. Follow the ten steps and forever be in awe of those six lovely abdominal muscles.

Read the full article here.

5. How to boost testosterone 

Not only does it help to build muscle, increase endurance and burn fat quicker, it also increases your sex drive. No wonder this was one of our most constantly revisited pieces. Complete with 12 ways to boost T-levels as well as 5 surprising facts about testosterone, you’ll be fighting the ladies off with your huge biceps in no time.

Read the full article here.

4. How to get a six-pack

Our most popular ‘does what it says on the tin’ article from 2014. Simply put, this piece goes over the most fundamental and important facets involved in achieving the fitness holy grail that is the six-pack. How to strip away the fat that’s sitting on top of your abs, what the best moves are to target different areas of your core and how to eat to keep the flab at bay. It’s all right here. You’re welcome.

Read the full article here.

3. Play to your strengths – what’s your body type?

Since American psychologist William Sheldon’s conclusions were published it has become widely recognised that most people have a body type that marks them as either an ectomorph (lean), an endomorph (big with high body fat), or a mesomorph (muscular). Here we explain exactly how to identify and train to suit your body type.

Read the full article here 

2. How to lose belly fat in 10 simple steps

Noticing a recurring theme here at all? Yep, getting rid of enough belly fat to allow the abs to show was very, very popular in 2014 (and pretty much all other years). These 10 tips have been shared and shared alike by our readers for much of 2014. That’s a lot of slimline waists we’ve helped to create. Just sharing the love, really.

Read the full article here

1. Lean in 4-weeks meal plan

And the winner is… The meal plan that’ll get you lean in just four weeks…. provided you’re exercising as well of course. The plan explains exactly what you should be eating for every meal, on everyday of the four weeks. Complete with daily macro totals and varied ideas so it doesn’t get too boring, as well as tips to help you to burn fat along the way, it’s everything you need to get lean. No wonder it was so popular. 

Read the full article here.  

Advice Andre Jackson
8 Jan 2015

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