Monday, January 12, 2015

The beginner's body transformation – part 3

man doing leg curls

MF art director Ped is starting notice the benefits of his transformation, but an old hip injury has decided to resurface...

With only three weeks left of my transformation I'm finally starting to notice aesthetic results. I've even caught my own reflection a couple of times and wondered who the leaner guy staring back at me is. The most noticeable change has been my slimmer face and reduced love handles. My wife is particularly pleased with these recent developments! I’ve also noticed a broadening of my chest and shoulders.

But enough about how I look. Of course, that’s the driving force behind a lot of people who sweat it out at the gym, but it’s far from the be all and end all. I'm also noticeably stronger now. Remember, when I started this transformation I had never done any strength training at all. I'm now getting through supersets and drop sets, while DTP (dramatic transformation principle) workouts and ladders are becoming the norm. 

I now also feel completely at home in the gym. At first, I was a bit self-conscious, assuming everyone was looking at me, judging me from,the weights I was lifting and generally thinking I was a bit of a douchebag. Now I realise how ridiculous that is. Everyone’s getting on with their own thing and doesn’t give a toss about the guy (me) huffing and puffing in the corner. Not only that, but my huffing and puffing has severely reduced.

It's not all rosy though. I had a hip operation a few years back and it's starting to get a bit painful when I do certain movements. Watch the video to see how my trainer Sean is helping me work through this. 

So, three weeks to go... make sure you check back to see the final video, which shows me and my fellow transformation crew on the day of our final photoshoot.

Check out other inspiring transformation videos

Videos Ped Millichamp
12 Jan 2015

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