Friday, October 9, 2015

Ask Dr Nick: Why Do I Gain Weight When I Try to Lose It?


Our very own Health Coach, Dr Nick Knight, explains why exercise could be the reason you're not losing weight


If you’re on a one-man mission to find your inner Adonis, have been eating clean and running every morning only to find you’re still putting on the pounds, then we’ve got just the man to help you.

Dr Nick Knight is your brand new Health Coach. He’s joined our team to give you a dose of concise advice every week on the medical concerns that matter to you, from preventing male baldness and dealing with shin splints to diagnosing what that worrying lump could be and how much caffeine your body can handle before it goes haywire.

Hit play on the video below, and learn why you’re not losing weight as quickly as you’d like to… and why it could mean you’re doing everything right.

If you’ve got a health issue you’d like Dr Nick to help you with, get in touch using Coach’s Twitter @CoachMag and use the hashtag #AskDrNick

Chris Sayer
8 Oct 2015

This content is from the experts at Men's Fitness magazine.

For more fitness, gym, workout and nutrition advice click here

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