Tuesday, October 6, 2015

Coach Manly Mixes: Master a Margarita in Under 60 Seconds

How To

Watch Duck and Waffle’s drinks supremo Rich Woods mix a perfect post-work drink in less than a minute


Here at Coach, we’re all about inspiring men to do something brilliant. Be it running that half-marathon at the end of the year, nailing that boardroom pitch at the end of the week, or just getting your blood pumping while watching a brilliant documentary on Netflix at the end of the day, we’re here to help you achieve your goals. And achieving your goals becomes a whole lot easier when you can reward youself with something excellent at the end of the whole process... like this delicious cocktail, as made by Rich Woods from Duck and Waffle in London. Go on, mix one up yourself. It only takes a minute, and we’re damn sure you deserve it.

How to make the perfect margarita 

1. Dust off your metal cocktail shaker, or “tin” as Woods calls them. “Always make sure they’re tins. They insulate and keep the cocktail cold," he says.

2. Next up, pull our your best tequila – Woods reckons Patron Silver is best for this. Pour out 50ml of the firewater and into your shaker.

3. Pull out a lime from your fruit bowl and juice it. “This is important: always use fresh juice, never bottled,” instructs Woods. Pour it in with your tequila.

4. Agave syrup has a low GI, meaning it won’t cause a horrendous sugar crash after you consume it. Add four teaspoonfuls of the stuff.

5. Give it a quick mix, and throw in as much ice as your shaker can handle.

6. Pop your shaker’s top on, and shake it up. You’re aiming to break down the ice to help dilute the drink.

7. Time to strain into your glass. “You don’t want any flecks of ice in the drink,” says Woods. That’s why he passes the liquid through two strainers.

8. Find your favourite chair, kick back and drink up. Enjoy. 

For more videos like this, head over to Coach magazine's YouTube channel

Chris Sayer
6 Oct 2015

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