Thursday, October 22, 2015

Gareth Bale's Guide to Training in the Freezing Cold


The Real Madrid and Wales football hero on why not even the Welsh rain can stop him training


Gareth, you have to cope with going between training in Spain with Real Madrid and training with the Wales national team in much colder climates. Do you find the weather affects the way you train?

I always train to my maximum potential – whatever the weather. The heat in Spain can be harsh and that means you naturally tire more quickly, but it never affects the amount of effort I put into a training session. When I land in Wales I’m home – I grew up playing in a colder climate so I like to think I adjust quite well. 

Are there steps you take to train more effectively when it’s freezing outside?

It can be hard to find the motivation if it’s horrible outside. But it does get a whole lot easier if you’re wearing the right kit – you want something that keeps the cold air out and the warm air in.

What do you look for in clothes to support your training in colder temperatures?

The right clothing can make a huge difference. If you’re wearing something that keeps the warmth in and is still breathable and lightweight, that makes training in the winter easy. If you wear material that doesn’t breathe then you’ll get even colder than if you stand still for five minutes. I wear Adidas Climaheat under my match jersey because it works to keep your body warmer for longer. 

Talk us through your average training session…

We always have a short warm-up with the football so our muscles are ready to go into an intense football session. Then we might play a more simple possession match or graduate to a full 45-minute 11 v 11 training match. The complete training session normally lasts between an hour and 90 minutes. Then I do some stretching or work with the physios to ensure I’m in the best shape possible.

What training tips would you give anyone who’s looking to remain active this winter?

Wear climate resistance gear, stay active and train at your maximum. The hardest part is getting out there but if you train hard enough you won’t be cold for very long! At the end of the day, I know that to play at my maximum on the weekend, I have to train to my maximum during the week. If you only give 50% in training you won’t be fit enough to play at 100% in matches.

What is your favourite thing about training in winter?

The rain… It reminds me of Cardiff!

Bale is seen wearing the new Adidas Climaheat FW15 range, available from

Coach Staff
19 Oct 2015

This content is from the experts at Men's Fitness magazine.

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